This section lists all special class requirements requested by departments that must be met by the student before registration can be completed. These include:
Restrictions |
This class is restricted to or restricted from students in a specific population. This note also states if a course has a Special Approval associated with it. (Example: Restrictions: Freshman, Sophomore excluded.) |
Special Approval |
Special Approval is needed in order to register for this course (Example: Instructor Permission Required) |
Attributes |
This class has the specific Attribute listed (Example: Attributes: Writing Course) |
Co-Requisite |
This class has the following co-requisite(s). (Example: Co-Requisite: EDU 3559). You must enroll in both the selected course and Co-Requisite course(s) in the same quarter. |
Equivalent |
This class is Equivalent to as well as held at the same time and place as the class shown (Example: Equivalent: BUS 2359 = is equivalent to and meets at the same time and place as BUS 2359). You are not able to retake this course, under the Equivalent, and receive additional credit. |
Grade Modes |
Grade Modes available for the course. |
Instructional Methods |
Instructional Methods available for the course. |
Note |
Provides additional information about the course, such as if it has an extended registration deadline, or which summer session it lives in. |
Doctoral |
Admitted to the University, pursuing doctoral degree |
Graduate |
Admitted to the University, pursuing master's degree |
Post-baccalaureate |
Admitted to the University, pursuing another bachelor's degree or initial teacher certification |
Senior |
Admitted undergraduate who has earned 135 or more credits. ** |
Junior |
Admitted undergraduate who has earned 90-134 credits. ** |
Sophomore |
Admitted undergraduate who has earned 45-89 credits. ** |
Freshman |
Admitted undergraduate who has earned 0-44 credits. ** |
Non-Matriculated |
Not admitted to the University; non-degree seeking students who may enroll in courses numbered 0001-6999. |
**Earned credits include graded SPU coursework and transfer work that has been evaluated and accepted by the University.