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2015-2016 Graduate Catalog


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Art | Biology | Business & Economics | Chemistry | Clinical Psychology | Communication | Computer Science | Education | Electrical Engineering | Engineering | English | Family and Consumer Science | Health Sciences | Health&Human Performance (PES) | History | Languages, Culture, Linguistic | Marriage and Family Therapy | Mathematics | Music | Organizational Psychology | Philosophy | Physics | Political Science & Geography | Psychology | Sociology | Theatre | Theology | Additional Faculty | Emeriti |  VIEW ALL

Art Department Faculty
Bent, Zack.  Assistant Professor of Art;  Master of Arts Ball State University 2004;  Master of Fine Arts University of Washington 2008;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Feldman, Roger.  Professor of Art;  B.A. University of Washington 1972;  Master of Fine Arts Claremont Graduate University 1977;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Gutowsky-Zimmerman, Karen.  Professor of Art - Visual Communication;  B.F.A. University of Illinois Urbana- 1984;  Master of Fine Arts University of Washington 2000;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Kolbo, Scott.  Associate Professor of Art;  B.F.A. Boise State University 1996;  Master of Fine Arts University of Wisconsin-Madiso 2000;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Kresser, Katie.  Associate Professor of Art;  B.A. Indiana University Bloomington 1998;  Master of Arts Harvard College 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy Harvard College 2006;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Lasworth, Laura.  Professor of Art;  B.F.A. School of the Art Institute of 1977;  Master of Fine Arts California Institute of the Ar 1980;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Biology Department Faculty
Bester-Meredith, Janet.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.A. Pomona College 1995;  Master of Science University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1997;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Madiso 2001;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Bishop, Cindy.  Assistant Professor of Biology;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1980;  D.V.M. Washington State University 1984;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Brezynski, Elena.  Assistant Professor of Biology;  B.A. University of Oxford 1984;  Doctor of Philosophy Monash Univ. - Melbourn AUSTRA 1989;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Congdon, Bruce.  Dean of CAS, Division of Sciences;  B.S. College of the Ozarks 1979;  Master of Science Colorado State University 1981;  Doctor of Philosophy University of California River 1985;  At SPU since 1985. ()
Ferrer, Ryan.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.S. Pepperdine University 2000;  Doctor of Philosophy University of California Los A 2007;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Hunter, Max.  Assistant Professor of Biology and Education;  B.A. University of Washington 2002;  Master of Arts Harvard College 2006;  Master of Education Harvard College 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2011;  Master of Arts University of Washington 2013;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Long, Eric.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.S. Wheaton College 1998;  Master of Science Williston State College 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy Pennsylvania State University 2005;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Nelson, Tim.  Professor of Biology; Director of Blakely Island Field Station;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1995;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Pratt, Charlotte.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.S. University of Notre Dame 1982;  Doctor of Philosophy Duke University 1987;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Ridgway, Rick.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1977;  Master of Science Washington State University 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy Washington State University 1988;  At SPU since 1991. ()
Tenlen, Jenny.  Assistant Professor of Biology;  B.S. University of Puget Sound 1995;  Master of Arts in Teaching É¬Àï·¬ University 1998;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2007;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Wall-Scheffler, Cara.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 2000;  M.Phil. University of Cambridge 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Cambridge 2005;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Wood, Derek.  Associate Professor of Biology;  B.S. Washington State University 1991;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Arizona 1997;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Business & Economics Department Faculty
Baker, Bruce.  Assistant Professor of Business Ethics;  B.S. California Institute of Tech 1978;  Master of Bus Administration Stanford University 1981;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy University of St. Andrews 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Beavers, Randy.  Assistant Professor of Finance;  B.S. University of Alabama 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Alabama 2015;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Daniels, Denise.  Professor of Management; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies;  B.A. Wheaton College 1991;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1997;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Downing, Doug.  Associate Professor of Economics;  B.S. Yale University 1979;  Master of Arts Yale University 1982;  Doctor of Philosophy Yale University 1987;  At SPU since 1983. ()
Erisman, Al.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Northern Illinois University 1962;  Master of Science Iowa State University 1967;  Doctor of Philosophy Iowa State University 1969;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Eveland, Vicki.  Assistant Professor of Marketing; Director of MA-Social and Sustainable Management;  Bachelor of Business Admin Mississippi State University 1982;  Master of Bus Administration Mississippi State University 1983;  Doctor of Business Admin Mississippi State University 1988;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Franz, Randy.  Professor of Management;  B.A. California State University Sacramen 1982;  Master of Arts Stanford University 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy Stanford University 1991;  At SPU since 1991. ()
Godek, John.  Assistant Professor of Management;  B.S. United States Coast Guard Acad 1987;  Master of Bus Administration University of Houston 1993;  Master of Science University of Michigan 2000;  Doctorate Degree University of Michigan 2003;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Hess, Dan.  Professor of Finance;  B.A. Wheaton College 1971;  Master of Bus Administration University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Arizona 1982;  At SPU since 1977. ()
Karns, Gary.  Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Graduate Studies; Graduate Director;  Master of Bus Administration University of Oklahoma 1977;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1987;  At SPU since 1979. ()
Kauppila, Bill.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Northern Michigan University 1967;  Master of Bus Administration Western Michigan University 1968;  At SPU since 2006. ()
LaBrie, Ryan.  Associate Professor of Management and Information Systems;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1993;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1993;  Master of Science É¬Àï·¬ 1997;  Doctor of Philosophy Arizona State University 2004;  Doctorate Degree Arizona State University 2004;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Lee, Don.  Associate Professor of Management;  B.A. Seoul National University 2002;  Master of Arts Seoul National University 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Pittsburgh 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Mason, Geri.  Assistant Professor of Economics;  B.A. Whitworth University 2002;  Master of Arts University of Hawaii at Manoa 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Hawaii at Manoa 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Meredith, Jen.  Assistant Professor of Economics;  B.A. Westmont College 2007;  Master of Arts University of San Francisco 2009;  Master of Arts University of Washington 2012;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Osborn, Charity.  Assistant Professor of Business Law;  Associate in Arts Sauk Valley Community College 1995;  B.A. University of Illinois Urbana- 1997;  Juris Doctorate University of Michigan 2002;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Poznanska, Joanna.  Professor of International Business;  Master of Arts University of Warsaw 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy Warsaw University of Technology 1976;  At SPU since 1988. ()
Rand, Jim.  Executive in Residence;  B.S. Marquette University 1963;  Bachelor of Laws La Salle Extension University 1972;  At SPU since 1993. ()
Sawers, Kim.  Associate Professor of Accounting; C. Hope Professor of Leadership and Ethics;  B.S. Southern Oregon University 1985;  Master of Bus Administration É¬Àï·¬ 1994;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2002;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Schlee, Regina.  Professor of Marketing; Associate Dean, Accreditation, Assessment and Faculty Development;  B.A. University of Nevada: Las Vega 1976;  Master of Arts Washington State University 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy Washington State University 1981;  At SPU since 1984. ()
Steinke, Gerhard.  Professor of Management and Information Systems;  B.S. University of Alberta 1975;  Master of Bus Administration Ball State University 1984;  Master of Divinity Anderson University 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Passau 1992;  At SPU since 1992. ()
Stewart, Ross.  Professor of Accounting;  B.Com. University of Auckland 1977;  M.Com. University of Auckland 1979;  Master of Science Regent College 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Glasgow 1987;  At SPU since 1986. ()
Wong, Kenman.  Professor of Business Ethics;  B.S. Biola University 1986;  Master of Bus Administration University of Washington 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Southern Califor 1996;  At SPU since 1997. ()
Chemistry Department Faculty
Bartlett, Kevin.  Associate Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. Wheaton College 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2001;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Grabow, Wade.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. United States Air Force Academ 2001;  Master of Science University of Central Florida 2004;  Master of Divinity Princeton Theological Sem 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy UC Santa Barbara 2012;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Lee, Minhee.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. Yonsei University 2004;  Master of Arts Columbia University in the Cit 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy Columbia University in the Cit 2010;  At SPU since 2014. ()
McFarland, Ben.  Professor of Biochemistry;  B.S. University of Florida 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2001;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Mouser, John.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry;  B.A. Point Loma Nazarene University 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Southern Califor 1991;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Pierce, Karisa.  Associate Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ University 2002;  Master of Science University of Washington 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2007;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Robinson, Samantha.  Assistant Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. University of Iowa 2009;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2014;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Schofield, Daniel.  Associate Professor of Chemistry;  B.S. University of Otago 2001;  B.S. University of Otago 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Otago 2005;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Clinical Psychology Department Faculty
Bentley, Jacob.  Assistant Professor of Clinical Psychology;  Master of Arts É¬Àï·¬ 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy É¬Àï·¬ 2011;  B.A. Lee University 2013;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Bikos, Lynette.  Department Chair of Graduate, Clinical Psychology Autumn/Winter 2014-15 / Professor of Clinical Psychology; Associate Dean of SPFC;  B.S.Ed. University of Missouri: Columb 1987;  Baccalaureate Degree University of Missouri: Columb 1987;  Master of Arts University of Missouri: Columb 1989;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Kansas 1996;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Erickson, Thane.  Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology; Director of Clinical Training in Clinical Psychology;  B.A. Point Loma Nazarene University 1999;  Master of Science Pennsylvania State University 2003;  Doctor of Philosophy Pennsylvania State University 2006;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Mezulis, Amy.  Associate Professor of Clinical Psychology; Director of Research in Clinical Psychology;  B.A. Harvard College 1994;  Master of Arts University of California Berke 1996;  Master of Science University of Wisconsin-Madiso 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Madiso 2005;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Stewart, David.  Department Chair of Chair of Clinical Psychology / Associate Professor and Chair of Clinical Psychology;  B.A. California State Polytechnic U 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy San Diego State University 1998;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Thoburn, John.  Professor of Clinical Psychology;  B.A. University of Kansas 1976;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 1984;  Doctor of Philosophy Fuller Theological Seminary 1991;  At SPU since 1998. ()
Wilson, Bev.  Professor of Clinical Psychology; SPFC Research Coordinator;  B.A. California State University Fresno 1985;  Master of Arts California State University Fresno 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1994;  At SPU since 1998. ()
Communication Department Faculty
Achterman, Peg.  Assistant Professor of Communication and Journalism;  B.A. University of Washington 1982;  Master of Science Syracuse University 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2014;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Jabs, Lorelle.  Associate Professor of Communication;  B.S. Oregon State University 1986;  Master of Science Oregon State University 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1997;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Jackson, Rick.  Assistant Professor of Journalism;  B.A. Pennsylvania State University 1977;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2005;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Pope, Debbie.  Assistant Professor of Communication;  B.A. Bethany College 1982;  Master of Arts Wheaton College 1990;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Purcell, Bill.  Professor of Communication;  B.A. Auburn University 1976;  Master of Arts University of Alabama 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy Indiana University Bloomington 1986;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Rendleman, Todd.  Professor of Communication;  B.A. University of Illinois Urbana- 1992;  Master of Arts University of Illinois Urbana- 1994;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Illinois Urbana- 1999;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Sequeira, Debra.  Dean of CAS, Division of Arts and Humanities;  B.A. San Francisco State University 1976;  Master of Arts San Francisco State University 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1987;  At SPU since 1990. ()
Computer Science Department Faculty
Dingler, Aaron.  Assistant Professor of Computer Engineering;  B.S. University of Notre Dame 2007;  Master of Science University of Notre Dame 2012;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 2013;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Tindall, Mike.  Professor of Computer Science;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1971;  Master of Science University of Illinois Urbana- 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Illinois Urbana- 1975;  At SPU since 1980. ()
Weltz, Elaine.  Assistant Professor of Computer Science;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1974;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1975;  Master of Arts University of California Los A 1978;  M.M. University of Southern Califor 1978;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1984;  M.S.E. É¬Àï·¬ University 1989;  At SPU since 1984. ()
Education Department Faculty
Alsbury, Thomas.  Professor of Education Leadership;  B.S. University of Washington 1983;  B.A. University of Washington 1983;  Master of Education University of Washington 1987;  Doctor of Education Washington State University 2001;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Antilla, Julie.  Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction;  B.A. Wheaton College 1994;  Master of Arts California State University Bakersfi 2003;  Master of Arts UC Santa Barbara 2011;  Doctor of Philosophy UC Santa Barbara 2013;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Baliram, Nalline.  Instructor of Teacher Education;  B.S. Florida Atlantic University 1998;  Master of Science Florida State University 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy É¬Àï·¬ 2016;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Beers, Scott.  Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction;  B.A. Yale University 1990;  Master of Arts University of Colorado Boulder 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2004;  Doctorate Degree University of Washington 2004;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Bishop, Dan.  Department Chair of Chair of UG & Post-Baccalaureate Teacher Education / Assistant Professor of Teacher Education, Assistant Dean of Teacher and Professional Education;  B.A. Other U.S. College 1980;  Master of Arts Pacific Lutheran University 1988;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Bond, John.  Associate Professor of Education Leadership;  B.A. Western Washington University 1972;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1976;  Doctor of Education É¬Àï·¬ 2003;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Denton, David.  Assistant Professor of Teacher Education;  B.A. University of Oregon 1998;  Master of Arts University of Oregon 2000;  Doctor of Education É¬Àï·¬ 2010;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Edwards, Cher.  Professor of Counselor Education, Associate Dean for Graduate Education;  B.A. Bowling Green State University 1994;  Master of Science University of Dayton 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy Ohio University: Lancaster Cam 2002;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Eigenbrood, Rick.  Dean, School of Education;  B.A. Dordt College 1974;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1979;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Iowa 1988;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Ellis, Art.  Professor of Education;  B.S. Oregon College of Education 1962;  Master of Science Oregon College of Education 1965;  Doctor of Education University of Oregon 1968;  At SPU since 1986. ()
Fritzberg, Greg.  Professor of Education, Director of Targeted School and Community Partnerships;  B.A. Pacific Lutheran University 1985;  Master of Arts Fuller Theological Seminary 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1998;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Gritter, Kristine.  Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction;  B.A. Calvin University 1991;  Master of Science Florida International Universi 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy Michigan State University 2007;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Heiney-Smith, Jill.  Director of Field Placements and Professional Partnerships;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1993;  Master of Arts Middlebury College 1998;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Henrikson, Robin.  Department Chair of Chair of Teacher Leadership / Assistant Professor of Teacher Education;  B.A. Western Washington University 2000;  Certificate É¬Àï·¬ 2006;  Master of Arts É¬Àï·¬ 2006;  Doctor of Philosophy É¬Àï·¬ 2013;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Huff, Emily.  Instructor of Teacher Education;  B.A. Stanford University 1995;  Master of Arts in Teaching Pacific Oaks College 1999;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Hyun, June.  Associate Professor of Counselor Education;  B.S. Hanyang University 2000;  Master of Science California State University Bakersfi 2005;  Doctor of Philosophy Georgia State University 2009;  At SPU since 2009. ()
Lepak, Jerilynn.  Assistant Professor of Mathematics;  B.A. University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1990;  B.S. Winona State University 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy Michigan State University 2013;  Doctorate Degree Michigan State University 2013;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Lumpe, Andrew.  Professor of Education, Director of Doctoral Program;  B.A. Washburn University of Topeka 1983;  Master of Science Kansas State University 1990;  Doctor of Philosophy Kansas State University 1992;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Mvududu, Nyaradzo.  Professor of Education;  B.S. University of Zimbabwe 1988;  Master of Bus Administration University of Washington 1996;  Doctor of Education É¬Àï·¬ 2002;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Nagy, Bill.  Professor of Education;  B.A. Michigan State University 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy University of California San Diego 1974;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Preciado, Jorge.  Department Chair of Chair of Special Education / Assistant Professor of Teacher Education;  B.A. San Diego State University 1988;  Master of Arts San Diego State University 1998;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Oregon 2006;  Doctorate Degree University of Oregon 2006;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Prenevost, Bill.  Associate Professor of Ed Administration and Supervision;  B.S. Montana State University Bozem 1969;  Master of Education University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Education University of Washington 1992;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Scheuerman, Richard.  Department Chair of Master of Arts in Teaching / Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction;  B.A. Washington State University 1973;  Master of Arts Pacific Lutheran University 1977;  Doctor of Philosophy Gonzaga University 1992;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Wicks, David.  Associate Professor of Curriculum and Instruction;  Master of Science Northwest Missouri State Unive 1986;  B.S. Missouri Western State College 1986;  Doctor of Education É¬Àï·¬ 2012;  At SPU since 1998. ()
Electrical Engineering Department Faculty
Peter, Don.  Associate Professor of Engineering;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1974;  Master of Science University of Washington 1976;  At SPU since 1987. ()
Plett, Melani.  Professor of Electrical Engineering;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1991;  B.S.E.E. É¬Àï·¬ 1991;  M.S.E.E. University of Washington 1993;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1993;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2000;  Doctorate Degree University of Washington 2000;  At SPU since 1993. ()
Engineering Department Faculty
Arabian, Adam.  Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering;  B.S. Purdue University 1998;  Master of Science Michigan State University 2000;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Louisville 2008;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Keene, Daniel.  Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering;  B.S. Cal Poly State University at S 2005;  Master of Science University of Minnesota: Twin  2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Minnesota: Twin  2013;  At SPU since 2013. ()
English Department Faculty
Amorose, Tom.  Professor of English;  B.A. The Ohio State University 1972;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1978;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Chaney, Christine.  Professor of English;  B.A. University of Washington 1982;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1998;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Hansen, Traynor.  Instructor of Writing;  B.A. University of Washington 2006;  Master of Arts University of Washington 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2012;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Maier, Jennifer.  Professor of English;  B.S. University of Washington 1985;  B.A. University of Washington 1985;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy Tulane University 1998;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Middeljans, April.  Assistant Professor of English;  B.A. Calvin University 1993;  Master of Arts University of Illinois Urbana- 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Illinois Urbana- 2005;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Moe, Peter.  Assistant Professor of English; Director of Campus Writing;  B.A. Western Washington University 2005;  Master of Arts Eastern Washington University 2010;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Pittsburgh 2015;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Segall, Kimberly.  Professor of English;  B.A. Calvin University 1992;  Master of Arts Northwestern University 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy Northwestern University 2001;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Thorpe, Doug.  Professor of English;  B.A. Beloit College 1975;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1977;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1983;  At SPU since 1992. ()
VanZanten, Susan.  Professor of English;  B.A. Westmont College 1978;  Master of Arts Emory University 1981;  Doctor of Philosophy Emory University 1982;  At SPU since 1993. ()
Walhout, Mark.  Professor of English;  B.A. Wheaton College 1981;  Master of Arts Northwestern University 1982;  Doctor of Philosophy Northwestern University 1985;  At SPU since 1987. ()
Wolfe, Greg.  Department Chair of Master of Fine Arts / Writer in Residence; Director of MFA;  B.A. Hillsdale College 1980;  Master of Arts University of Oxford 1983;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Wolfe, Suzanne.  Writer in Residence.;  B.A. University of Oxford 1984;  Master of Arts University of Oxford 1986;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Family and Consumer Science Department Faculty
Copeland, Raedene.  Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences;  B.S. North Carolina Central Univers 2002;  Master of Bus Administration North Carolina Central Univers 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy University of North Carolina G 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Freeman, Joey.  Assistant Professor of Nutrition;  B.A. Central Washington University 1994;  B.S. Central Washington University 1994;  Master of Science Central Washington University 1996;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Geleva, Daniela.  Associate Professor of Nutrition;  B.S. Texas Christian University 1997;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Minnesota: Twin  2001;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Hartje, Sandra.  Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences;  B.S. University of Minnesota: Twin  1979;  Master of Science University of Minnesota: Twin  1984;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Minnesota: Twin  1998;  At SPU since 1989. ()
Kato, Sharleen.  Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences; Director of Family and Consumer Sciences;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1984;  Master of Arts Michigan State University 1986;  Doctor of Education É¬Àï·¬ University 1992;  At SPU since 1986. ()
Lee, Jaeil.  Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences;  B.S. Chungnam National University 1992;  Master of Science Chungnam National University 1994;  Master of Science The Ohio State University 1998;  Doctor of Philosophy The Ohio State University 2000;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Miller, Beth.  Assistant Professor of Family and Consumer Sciences;  B.A. University of Oklahoma 1992;  Master of Science University of Central Oklahoma 2001;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Vlad, Catalina.  Instructor of Nutrition;  B.S. Oregon State University 2007;  Master of Science Eastern Illinois University 2010;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Health Sciences Department Faculty
Aaberg, Vicki.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  B.S. Eastern Washington University 1988;  Master of Science in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 2005;  Doctor of Philosophy Washington State University 2010;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Bear, Sarah.  Assistant Professor of Nursing; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Nursing;  B.A. Washington State University 1983;  Master of Science É¬Àï·¬ 1991;  Technical Associate Skagit Valley College 2002;  Doctor of Education University of Washington 2016;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Chu, Adeline.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing The University of Sydney 1998;  Master of Education Other - International College 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy Texas Woman's University 2008;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Coucoules, Mary.  Instructor of Nursing;  Associate in Arts & Sciences Yakima Valley College 1981;  B.S. in Nursing University of Washington - Tac 1997;  Master of Science Saint Mary's University of Min 2000;  At SPU since 2009. ()
Grandjean, Yolanda.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 2005;  Doctor of Nursing Practice University of Washington 2012;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Hoyle, Christine.  Associate Professor of Nursing; Associate Dean, Graduate Programs;  B.S. in Nursing University of Iowa 1973;  Master of Nursing University of Washington 1979;  Doctor of Nursing Practice University of Washington 2008;  At SPU since 2015. ()
McFarland, Carol.  Instructor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing University of Washington 1982;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Monroe, Heidi.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  Master of Science in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 1989;  Master of Science in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy É¬Àï·¬ 2017;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Morgenroth, April.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing Northwest University 2004;  Master of Science in Nursing University of Washington 2008;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Orton, Val.  Instructor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 1975;  Master of Science University of Portland 2007;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Pedersen, Linda.  Instructor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing University of Iowa 1972;  Master of Nursing University of Washington 1984;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Rolfe Witham, Bethany.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  B.S. in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 2003;  Master of Science in Nursing É¬Àï·¬ 2006;  Doctor of Nursing Practice University of Washington 2011;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Shim, Bomin.  Assistant Professor of Nursing;  Master of Science in Nursing Seoul National University 2006;  Doctor of Philosophy Duke University 2011;  B.S. in Nursing Inje University 2011;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Wild, Lorie.  Dean of School of Health Sciences;  Master of Nursing University of Washington 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1996;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Health&Human Performance (PES) Department Faculty
Atwell-Scrivner, JoAnn.  Associate Professor of Health and Human Performance;  B.A. Willamette University 1976;  Master of Science Whitworth University 1991;  Master of Arts É¬Àï·¬ 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy Gonzaga University 2010;  At SPU since 1991. ()
Cannavan, Dale.  Assistant Professor of Exercise Science;  B.S. University of Surrey 2001;  Master of Science Brunel University 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy Brunel University 2008;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Mentink, Jarrett.  Assistant Professor of Health and Human Performance;  B.A. University of Washington 1993;  Master of Education Washington State University 1998;  Doctor of Philosophy Washington State University 2001;  At SPU since 2012. ()
History Department Faculty
Ferreiro, Alberto.  Professor of European History;  B.A. University of Texas at Arlingt 1977;  Master of Arts University of Texas at Arlingt 1979;  Doctor of Philosophy UC Santa Barbara 1986;  At SPU since 1986. ()
Hamilton, Mike.  Professor of History;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1986;  Master of Arts University of Notre Dame 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 1995;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Holsinger, Don.  Professor of History;  B.A. Bethel College 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy Northwestern University 1979;  At SPU since 1990. ()
Stiling, Rod.  Associate Professor of History;  B.A. University of California Los A 1972;  Master of Theology Dallas Theological Seminary 1980;  Master of Arts University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1991;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Woodward, Bill.  Professor of History;  B.A. Wheaton College 1969;  Master of Arts Georgetown University 1974;  Doctor of Philosophy Georgetown University 1974;  At SPU since 1974. ()
Ye, Zhiguo.  Assistant Professor of History;  B.A. Wuhan University, China 2002;  Master of Arts University of Minnesota: Twin  2005;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Minnesota: Twin  2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Languages, Culture, Linguistic Department Faculty
Baah, Robert.  Professor of Spanish;  B.A. University of Ghana 1982;  Master of Arts University of Alberta 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Southern Califor 1994;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Bartholomew, Kathryn.  Department Chair of Chair, MA-TESOL / Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Linguistics; MA-TESOL Program Director;  B.A. University of Washington 1969;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1979;  At SPU since 1989. ()
Beauclair, Michelle.  Associate Professor of French;  B.S. Georgetown University 1986;  Master of Arts University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1989;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Wisconsin-Madiso 1994;  At SPU since 2004. ()
Ewald, Owen.  Assistant Professor of Classics; C. May Marston Professorship of Classics;  B.A. Yale University 1992;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1999;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Nemtchinova, Katya.  Professor of TESOL/Russian;  Master of Arts Moscow State Linguistics Univ. 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy SUNY Stony Brook 1997;  At SPU since 1997. ()
Vogt, Eric.  Professor of Spanish;  B.A. University of Hawaii at Manoa 1977;  Master of Arts University of Missouri: Columb 1983;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Missouri: Columb 1988;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Marriage and Family Therapy Department Faculty
Cheon, Hee-Sun.  Assistant Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Director of Internships;  B.A. Hanyang University 1998;  Master of Arts Kansas State University 2002;  Doctorate Degree Iowa State University 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy Iowa State University 2007;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Edwards, Scott.  Department Chair of Chair of Marriage and Family Therapy / Associate Professor and Chair of Marriage and Family Therapy;  B.A. Cornell University 1991;  Master of Science Auburn University 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy Virginia Polytechnic Inst and 2001;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Grauf-Grounds, Claudia.  Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Director of Clinical Training and Research;  B.A. Stanford University 1976;  Master of Arts Fuller Theological Seminary 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Southern Califor 1988;  At SPU since 2000. ()
MacDonald, Don.  Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy;  B.A. University of Texas 1972;  Master of Science Indiana University Bloomington 1973;  Doctor of Philosophy Michigan State University 1984;  At SPU since 1980. ()
Sellers, Tina.  Associate Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy; Director of Medical Family Therapy Program;  B.A. San Diego State University 1982;  Master of Science É¬Àï·¬ 1991;  At SPU since 1998. ()
Mathematics Department Faculty
Gill, Brian.  Professor of Mathematics;  B.A. Truman State University 1991;  B.S. Truman State University 1991;  Master of Arts University of Kentucky 1993;  Master of Arts University of Kentucky 1994;  Master of Arts State University of New York a 1999;  Doctor of Philosophy State University of New York a 1999;  Master of Science State University of New York a 1999;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Hossler, John.  Assistant Professor of Mathematics;  B.S. George Fox University 2006;  Master of Arts University of Montana-Missoula 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Montana-Missoula 2012;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Johnson, Steve.  Associate Professor of Mathematics;  B.A. Westmont College 1974;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Minnesota: Twin  1982;  At SPU since 1982. ()
Killingsworth, Russ.  Assistant Professor of Mathematics;  B.A. California State University Sacramen 1986;  Master of Arts California State University Stanisla 1992;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Lau, Wai.  Associate Professor of Mathematics;  B.S. Hong Kong Baptist University 1986;  Master of Science Texas A&M University 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy Texas A&M University 1998;  At SPU since 2001. ()
O'Leary, Robbin.  Professor of Mathematics;  B.A. Goshen College 1980;  Master of Science Idaho State University 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Texas at Austin 1990;  At SPU since 1990. ()
Music Department Faculty
Anderson, David.  Assistant Professor of Choral Music;  B.A. Whitworth University 1981;  Master of Arts University of Oregon 1987;  At SPU since 1992. ()
Brown, Carlene.  Associate Professor of Music;  B.Mus. Emmanuel College 1980;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1987;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1991;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Chin, Brian.  Associate Professor of Music;  Certificate Rutgers University 1998;  B.Mus. Rutgers University 1998;  Master of Arts Rutgers University 2001;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Washington 2006;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Hanson, Eric.  Professor of Music;  B.M.E. Wheaton College 1971;  M.M. Colorado State University 1974;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Washington 1986;  At SPU since 1979. ()
Holmes, Ramona.  Professor of Music Education;  B.S. Portland State University 1974;  Master of Arts in Teaching University of Washington 1978;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1982;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Washington 1990;  At SPU since 1994. ()
Hughes, Cherie.  Assistant Professor of Music;  B.A. Colgate University 1994;  M.M. Texas Tech University 1997;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Oregon 2005;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Newby, Stephen.  Associate Professor of Music; Director of the Center for Worship;  B.A. Madonna University 1984;  M.M. University of Massachusetts Am 1987;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Michigan 1994;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Vaicekonis, Dainius.  Assistant Professor of Piano;  B.A. Lithuanian Academy of Music 1994;  M.M. Bowling Green State University 1997;  Doctor of Musical Arts University of Washington 2005;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Organizational Psychology Department Faculty
Collins, Joey.  Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology;  Associate in Arts Whatcom Community College 1988;  B.A. Western Washington University 1989;  Master of Science Western Washington University 1996;  Master of Arts Biola University 1998;  Doctor of Psychology Biola University 2001;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Kendall, Dana.  Assistant Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Director of Research;  B.S. Andrews University 1999;  Master of Science Florida International Universi 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Central Florida 2007;  At SPU since 2010. ()
McKenna, Rob.  Department Chair of Chair of I/O Psychology / Associate Professor and Chair of Industrial/Organizational Psychology;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1990;  Master of Bus Administration É¬Àï·¬ 1992;  Doctor of Philosophy Claremont Graduate University 1998;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Yost, Paul.  Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Director of Applied Learning and Development;  B.S. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  Master of Arts University of Maryland: Colleg 1993;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Maryland: Colleg 1996;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Philosophy Department Faculty
Layman, Steve.  Professor of Philosophy;  B.A. Calvin University 1977;  Doctor of Philosophy University of California Los A 1983;  At SPU since 1986. ()
McDonald, Patrick.  Associate Professor of Philosophy;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ University 1992;  Master of Arts University of Notre Dame 1997;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 2001;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Rice, Rebekah.  Associate Professor of Philosophy;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1996;  Master of Arts University of Wisconsin-Milwau 2000;  Doctor of Philosophy Brown University 2007;  Doctorate Degree Brown University 2008;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Saunders, Leland.  Assistant Professor of Philosophy;  B.S. Wheaton College 1999;  Master of Arts Trinity International Universi 2002;  Master of Arts University of Maryland: Colleg 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Maryland: Colleg 2011;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Physics Department Faculty
Gray, Kara.  Assistant Professor of Physics;  B.S. Kansas State University 2003;  Master of Science Kansas State University 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Colorado Boulder 2013;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Lautenschlager, Matt.  Instructor of Physics;  B.S. University of Wisconsin-Madiso 2000;  Master of Science University of Washington 2003;  Master of Arts in Teaching É¬Àï·¬ 2007;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Lindberg, John.  Professor of Physics;  B.A. North Park University 1983;  B.S. North Park University 1983;  Master of Science University of Washington 1986;  Doctor of Philosophy Heriot-Watt University 1999;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Robertson, Amy.  Research Assistant Professor;  B.S. Baylor University 2006;  Master of Science University of Washington 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2011;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Seeley, Lane.  Professor of Physics;  B.S. University of Puget Sound 1994;  Master of Science Montana State University Bozem 1996;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2001;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Vokos, Stamatis.  Professor of Physics;  B.S. Univ. of Kent at Canturbury 1984;  Master of Arts University of California Berke 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of California Berke 1990;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Political Science & Geography Department Faculty
Braden, Kathleen.  Professor of Geography;  B.A. Boston University 1972;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1974;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1981;  At SPU since 1982. ()
Davis, Reed.  Professor of Political Science;  Master of Arts University of Pennsylvania 1978;  B.A. University of Pennsylvania 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Virginia 1991;  At SPU since 1989. ()
Drozdova, Katya.  Assistant Professor of Political Science;  B.A. Stanford University 1996;  Master of Arts Stanford University 1998;  M.Phil. New York University 2006;  Doctor of Philosophy New York University 2008;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Ediger, Ruth.  Associate Professor of Political Science;  B.A. Pacific Lutheran University 1988;  Master of Arts University of Nebraska Lincoln 1991;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Nebraska Lincoln 1996;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Henry, Caleb.  Associate Professor of Political Science;  B.A. Hillsdale College 1997;  Master of Arts Claremont Graduate University 1999;  Doctor of Philosophy Claremont Graduate University 2002;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Murg, Bradley.  Assistant Professor of Political Science;  Master of Arts Emory University 2000;  B.A. Emory University 2000;  Master of Science London School of Econ/Poli Sci 2002;  Master of Arts University of Washington 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2015;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Psychology Department Faculty
Brown, Margaret.  Professor of Psychology;  B.S. University of Washington 1998;  Master of Science University of Washington 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 2002;  At SPU since 2002. ()
Carpenter, Tom.  Assistant Professor of Psychology;  Master of Arts Baylor University 2012;  Doctor of Philosophy Baylor University 2015;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Craft, Baine.  Associate Professor of Psychology and Biology; Director of Research;  B.S. Mississippi College 2001;  Master of Arts University of Montana-Missoula 2004;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Montana-Missoula 2005;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Kim, Paul.  Associate Professor of Psychology;  B.A. Calvin University 2004;  Master of Arts University of Notre Dame 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 2010;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Lustyk, Kathy.  Department Chair of Chair of Undergraduate Psychology / Professor and Chair of Psychology;  B.S. University of Washington 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1992;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Roe, Michael.  Dean, School of Psychology, Family, and Community;  B.A. University of California San Diego 1973;  Master of Education University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1981;  At SPU since 1988. ()
Vaydich, Jenny.  Assistant Professor of Psychology;  B.A. Saint Olaf College 2004;  Master of Arts University of Notre Dame 2008;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Notre Dame 2011;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Webb, Marcia.  Associate Professor of Psychology; Living Well Faculty Scholar; Dir of Internships - PSY;  B.A. Wheaton College 1985;  Master of Arts Wheaton College 1986;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy Fuller Theological Seminary 1995;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Sociology Department Faculty
Abbott, Martin.  Professor of Sociology;  B.S. Portland State University 1974;  Master of Arts Pepperdine University 1976;  Doctor of Philosophy Portland State University 1984;  At SPU since 1985. ()
Diekema, David.  Associate Professor of Sociology;  B.A. Calvin University 1982;  Master of Arts University of Wisconsin-Milwau 1985;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Iowa 1990;  At SPU since 1992. ()
Kim, Mikyung.  Assistant Professor of Sociology;  B.A. Yonsei University 2001;  Master of Arts University of Texas at Austin 2003;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Texas at Austin 2008;  At SPU since 2009. ()
McKinney, Jennifer.  Professor of Sociology; Director of Women's Studies;  B.A. Kentucky Wesleyan College 1991;  Master of Science Purdue University 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy Purdue University 2001;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Neuhouser, Kevin.  Professor of Sociology;  B.A. Taylor University 1980;  Master of Arts Indiana University Bloomington 1986;  Doctor of Philosophy Indiana University Bloomington 1990;  At SPU since 1996. ()
Snedker, Karen.  Associate Professor of Sociology;  B.A. UC Santa Barbara 1996;  Master of Arts New York University 1999;  Doctor of Philosophy New York University 2003;  At SPU since 2006. ()
Theatre Department Faculty
Collum, Jerry.  Assistant Professor of Theatre;  B.F.A. Auburn University 1984;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Lorig, Richard.  Associate Professor of Theatre;  B.S. Northern Arizona University 1989;  Master of Fine Arts Arizona State University 1996;  At SPU since 2014. ()
Ryder, Andrew.  Professor of Theatre;  B.A. Anderson University 1990;  Master of Arts Michigan State University 1994;  Doctor of Philosophy Bowling Green State University 1997;  At SPU since 2000. ()
Vance, Candace.  Assistant Professor of Theatre;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1995;  Master of Arts Other - International College 2005;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Theology Department Faculty
Bantum, Brian.  Associate Professor of Theology;  B.A. Houghton College 1997;  Master of Theology Duke University 2002;  Master of Arts Duke University 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy Duke University 2009;  At SPU since 2009. ()
Castelo, Daniel.  Department Chair of Chair of Theological Studies / Professor of Dogmatic and Constructive Theology;  B.A. Lee University 1998;  Master of Divinity Pentecostal Theological Semina 2000;  Doctor of Philosophy Duke University 2005;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Coles, Jamie.  Instructor of Theology;  B.A. Johns Hopkins University 2003;  Master of Divinity Wesley Theological Seminary 2006;  At SPU since 2015. ()
Dearborn, Kerry.  Professor of Theology;  B.A. Whitman College 1972;  Master of Arts Fuller Theological Seminary 1988;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Aberdeen 1994;  At SPU since 1997. ()
Drovdahl, Bob.  Professor of Educational Ministry;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1971;  Master of Arts Wheaton College 1974;  Doctor of Philosophy Michigan State University 1980;  At SPU since 1978. ()
Holmes, Laura.  Assistant Professor of New Testament;  B.A. University of North Carolina a 2002;  Master of Divinity Princeton Theological Sem 2005;  Doctor of Philosophy Princeton Theological Sem 2011;  At SPU since 2010. ()
Johnson Leese, J.J..  Assistant Professor of Christian Scripture;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 1995;  Master of Sacred Theology Concordia Seminary 2002;  Doctor of Philosophy Durham University 2014;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Keuss, Jeff.  Professor of Christian Ministry, Theology and Culture; Director of University Scholars;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1987;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 1995;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Glasgow 2000;  At SPU since 2005. ()
Koenig, Sara.  Department Chair of Interim Department of Christian Scripture 2015-16 / Associate Professor of Biblical Studies;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1995;  Master of Divinity Princeton Theological Sem 1999;  Doctor of Philosophy Princeton Theological Sem 2007;  At SPU since 2003. ()
Koskela, Doug.  Professor of Theology; Associate Dean, Undergraduate Studies;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1995;  Master of Divinity Duke University 1998;  Doctor of Philosophy Southern Methodist University 2003;  At SPU since 2001. ()
Langford, Mike.  Associate Professor of Theology, Discipleship and Ministry;  B.S. Stanford University 1993;  Master of Divinity Princeton Theological Sem 2001;  Doctor of Philosophy Princeton Theological Sem 2010;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Leong, David.  Department Chair of Department of Ministry and Practical Theology / Associate Professor of Missional Theology;  B.A. University of Washington 2001;  Master of Christian Ministries Regent College 2005;  Doctor of Philosophy Fuller Theological Seminary 2010;  At SPU since 2008. ()
Marshall, Chad.  Instructor of University Foundations;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 2001;  Master of Theology Princeton Theological Sem 2008;  At SPU since 2012. ()
Nienhuis, David.  Department Chair of Chair of Christian Scriptures / Professor of New Testament Studies;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1990;  Master of Divinity Duke University 1996;  Master of Arts Duke University 1996;  Doctorate Degree University of Aberdeen 2005;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Aberdeen 2005;  At SPU since 1999. ()
Salter McNeil, Brenda.  Associate Professor of Reconciliation Studies;  B.S. Rutgers University 1977;  Master of Divinity Fuller Theological Seminary 1984;  Doctor of Ministry Palmer Theological Seminary 2000;  At SPU since 2011. ()
Sigler, Matt.  Assistant Professor of Wesleyan Studies; United Methodist Liaison;  B.A. Huntingdon College 2001;  Master of Arts Asbury Theological Seminary 2007;  Doctor of Philosophy Boston University 2015;  At SPU since 2013. ()
Smyth, Ed.  Department Chair of Chair, Ministry and Practical Theology / Professor of Educational Ministry;  B.A. Taylor University Ft Wayne 1968;  M.R.E. Gordon-Conwell Theological Sem 1972;  Doctor of Education Boston University 1978;  At SPU since 1975. ()
Spina, Frank.  Professor of Old Testament;  B.A. Greenville University 1965;  Master of Divinity Asbury College 1968;  Master of Arts University of Michigan 1970;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Michigan 1977;  At SPU since 1973. ()
Steele, Rick.  Professor of Moral and Historical Theology; Associate Dean, Graduate Studies;  B.A. Haverford College 1974;  Master of Divinity Yale University 1978;  Doctor of Philosophy Marquette University 1990;  At SPU since 1995. ()
Strong, Douglas.  Dean, School of Theology;  B.A. Houghton College 1978;  Master of Divinity Princeton Theological Sem 1981;  Doctor of Philosophy Princeton Theological Sem 1990;  At SPU since 2007. ()
Wall, Rob.  Paul T. Walls Professor of Scripture and Wesleyan Studies;  B.A. Valparaiso University 1969;  Master of Theology Dallas Theological Seminary 1973;  Doctor of Theology Dallas Theological Seminary 1979;  At SPU since 1978. ()


Library Faculty



Carrie Fry, Sciences Librarian; Instructor; B.S., ɬÀï·¬, 1992; M.L.S., Indiana University-Bloomington, 1993. At SPU since 1998.

Liz Gruchala-Gilbert, College of Arts and Sciences Librarian; Assistant Professor; B.A., State University of New York-Buffalo, 1989; M.A.T., Vanderbilt University, 1990; M.L.S., University of Washington, 1997. At SPU since 2001.

Kristen Hoffman, Psychology and Scholarly Communications Librarian; Instructor; B.A., ɬÀï·¬, 2004; M.L.I.S., San Jose State University, 2009. At SPU since 2013.

Adrienne Meier, Social Sciences Librarian and University Archivist; Instructor; B.A., ɬÀï·¬, 2004; M.L.I.S., University of Washington, 2009. At SPU since 2005.

Becky Paulson, Acquisitions Librarian; Assistant Professor; B.R.E., Prairie Bible College, 1992; B.A., Northwest University, 1999; M.L.I.S., University of Washington, 2001; M.B.A., ɬÀï·¬, 2010. At SPU since 2001.

Michael Paulus, University Librarian; Associate Professor; B.A., University of Washington, 1993; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, 2002; M.L.I.S., Rutgers University, 2004. At SPU since 2011.

Stephen Perisho, Theology and Philosophy Librarian; Associate Professor; B.A., George Fox College, 1984; M.Div., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1990; Th.M., Princeton Theological Seminary, 1998; M.L.I.S., Rutgers University, 2002. At SPU since 2002.

Cindy Strong, Education and Business Librarian; Instructor; B.A., American University, 1997; M.L.S., University of Maryland, 2004. At SPU since 2009.

Natalee Vick, Technical Services Librarian; Instructor; B.A., University of Montana, 1988; M.L.S., University of Washington, 1993. At SPU since 1999.



Emeriti Faculty



Roger Anderson, Physics; B.S., University of Washington, 1951; Ph.D., 1961. At SPU 1961-1997. Emeritus since 2000.
Ed Bauman, Electrical Engineering; B.S.E.E, University of Minnesota, 1955; M.S., Aeronautics and Astronautics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1960; Ph.D., University of California-Los Angeles, 1966. At SPU 1985–2000. Emeritus since 2000.
Janet Leslie Blumberg, English, B.A., University of Washington, 1968; M.A., 1969; Ph.D., Harvard University, 1976; At SPU 1974–2001. Emerita since 2001.

Barbara J. Bovy, Family & Consumer Sciences; B.S., University of Idaho, 1960; M.A., University of Washington 1971; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1979. At SPU 1978–2008. Emerita since 2008.
R. Reed Boyce, Urban and Regional Studies; B.S., University of Utah, 1956; M.S., 1957; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1961. At SPU 1976–1997. Emeritus since 1997.

Janet B. Buck, Mathematics; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1955. At SPU 1957–1996. Emerita since 1996.

Charles H. Burris Jr., Computer Science; B.S., University of Utah, 1965; M.S., University of Utah, 1967; Ph.D., University of New Mexico, 1974. At SPU 1982–2006. Emeritus since 2006.

Michael Caldwell, Art; B.S., University of Oregon, 1968; M.F.A., University of Oregon, 1970. At SPU 1970–2006. Emeritus since 2006.
Robert Chamberlain, Communication; B.A., Cascade College, 1961; M.S., University of Oregon, 1967; Ph.D., 1972. At SPU 1978– 1999. Emeritus since 1999.
Gordon E. Cochrane, Sociology; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1950; M.A., 1957; Ph.D., University of Southern California, 1968. At SPU 1965–1989. Emeritus since 1989.
David Dickerson, Vice President for Academic Affairs; B.A., Greenville College, 1955; M.A., University of Southern California, 1958; Ph.D., 1964. At SPU 1976–1992. Emeritus since 1992.

Douglas Durasoff, Political Science; B.A., Michigan State University, 1966; M.Phil., Yale University, 1969; Ph.D., Yale University, 1978; At SPU 1986-2010. Emeritus since 2010.

Ruby M. Englund, Nursing; B.S.N., Gustavus Adolphus College, 1964; Master of Nursing, University of Washington, 1965. At SPU 1970–2007. Emerita since 2007.
Joyce Quiring Erickson, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences; English. B.A., North Central College, 1965; M.A., University of Washington, 1966; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1970. At SPU 1969–1983; 1992–2003. Emerita since 2003.

Gary R. Fick, Library; B.A., State University of New York-Buffalo, 1971; M.S., 1973; M.L.S., 1974; M.A., University of Washington, 1983. At SPU 1974-2013. Emeritus since 2013.
Kenneth Foreman, Physical Education; B.S., University of Southern California, 1949; M.S., University of Washington, 1954; Ed.D., University of Southern California, 1962. At SPU 1964–2001. Emeritus since 2001.
Susan Franklin, Education; B.A., University of Washington; M.Ed., ɬÀï·¬, 1990. At SPU 1985–2002; Emerita since 2002.

Mary Ellen Fry, Nursing; B.S.N., University of Washington, 1966; M.S.N., University of Washington, 1972; Ph.D., Oregon Health Science University, 1994; At SPU 1969-2009. Emerita since 2009.

Fan Mayhall Gates, English; B.A., Baylor University, 1956; M.A., Mississippi State University, 1963. At SPU 1963–1999. Emerita since 1999.
Evette Hackman, Family and Consumer Sciences; B.S., University of Nebraska, 1964; M.S., University of Kansas, 1966; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1980. At SPU 1991–2004. Emerita since 2004.
Joy F. Hammersla, Psychology; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1954; M.S., University of Washington, 1962; Ph.D., 1974. At SPU 1981–1996. Emerita since 1996.
Patricia Hammill, Education; B.A., University of Washington, 1969; M.Ed., 1974; Ph.D., 1987. At SPU 1988–2002. Emerita since 2002.
Ruth Hansen, Education; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1950. At SPU 1968–1991. Emerita since 1991.
Shirley Harlow, Nursing; B.A., University of Oregon, 1948; B.S., 1951; M.A., New York University, 1965. At SPU 1976–1988. Emerita since 1988.
Daniel L. Harris, Business; B.A., Westmont College, 1963; M.B.A., University of California at Los Angeles, 1965; Ph.D., 1970. At SPU 1970–1990. Emeritus since 1990.
Chester A. Hausken, Statistics and Research; B.A., St. Olaf College, 1951; M.A., University of Northern Colorado, 1956; Ed.D., 1963. At SPU 1982–1997. Emeritus since 1997.
Doris Brown Heritage, Physical Education; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1964; M.Ed., 1975. At SPU 1969–2002. Emerita since 2002.

Emily Wurster Hitchens, Nursing; B.S., University of Washington, 1965; M.S., University of Washington 1967; Ed.D., ɬÀï·¬ University, 1988. At SPU 1981–2008. Emerita since 2008.
Robert Hughson, Physics and Electrical Engineering; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1959; M.S., University of Washington, 1961; At SPU 1961–2003. Emeritus since 2003.

Barbara S. Innes, Nursing; B.S.N., University of Washington, 1963; M.S., University of California-San Francisco, 1969; Ed.D., ɬÀï·¬ University, 1989. At SPU 1976–2006. Emerita since 2006.
Walter H. Johnson, Philosophy and Religion; B.A., Greenville College, 1940; B.D., McCormick Theological Seminary, 1943; Th.D., Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1947. At SPU 1964–1980. Emeritus since 1980.

Lucille Kelley, Dean of the School of Health Sciences; Nursing; B.S.N., University of Connecticut, 1969; M.N., University of Washington, 1973; Ph.D., 1990. At SPU 1985-2012. Emerita since 2012.
Eletta Kennison, Education; B.A., University of Washington, 1972; M.Ed., 1978; Ed.D., 1991. At SPU 1974–2000. Emerita since 2000.

Herbert Kierulff.  Professor of Entrepreneurship & Finance;  B.A. Stanford University 1959;  Master of Bus Administration University of Southern Califor 1964;  Doctor of Business Admin University of Southern Califor 1967;  At SPU 1980-2015. Emeritus since 2015.

Kenneth E. Knight, Information Systems and Management; B.S., Yale University, 1959; M.S., Carnegie Mellon University, 1961; Ph.D., Carnegie Mellon University 1964. At SPU 1988–2008. Emeritus since 2008.
Harriett N. Kovacevich, Education; B.A., Whitman College, 1955; M.Ed., ɬÀï·¬, 1979. At SPU 1966–1996. Emerita since 1996.
Karl Krienke Jr., Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1953; M.A., 1955; M.S., University of Washington, 1959; M.S., 1969; Ph.D., 1973. At SPU 1953–1997. Emeritus since 1997.
Robert Larson, Sociology; B.A., Augsburg College, 1956; M.A., University of Washington, 1966. At SPU 1966–1992. Emeritus since 1993.

Eugene E. Lemcio, Theology; B.S., Houghton College, 1964; M.Div., Asbury College, 1968; Ph.D., Trinity College, University of Cambridge, 1975. At SPU 1974-2010. Emeritus since 2010.
Paul Lepse, Chemistry; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1958; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1961; National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Munich, 1961–1962. At SPU 1963–2002. Emeritus since 2002.
Wesley E. Lingren, Chemistry; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1952; M.S., University of Washington, 1954; Ph.D., 1962; National Science Foundation Science Faculty Fellow, Yale University, 1967–1968. At SPU 1958–1998. Emeritus since 1998.

Michael H. Macdonald, European Studies/German & Philosophy; B.A., Pacific Lutheran University, 1963; M.A., University of Washington, 1964; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1974. At SPU 1967–2007. Emeritus since 2007.
Tim Malm, Art; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1975; B.F.A., University of Washington, 1978; M.F.A. University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1980. At SPU 1976–2001. Emeritus since 2001.

Gerry Marsh, Music; B.A., Northwest Nazarene University, 1967; M.M., University of Oregon, 1968; At SPU 1998-2013. Emeritus since 2013.
Vicki E. McClurg, Nursing; B.S., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1970; M.N., University of Washington, 1981. At SPU 1981–1998. Emerita since 1998.

Delbert S. McHenry Jr., Psychology; B.A., Central Washington State College, 1967; M.S., Central Washington University, 1968; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1973. At SPU 1973–2006. Emeritus since 2006.
Lloyd J. Montzingo, Mathematics; B.A., Houghton College, 1949; M.A., State University of New York at Buffalo, 1951; Ph.D., 1961. At SPU 1962–1992. Emeritus since 1992.

Kenneth Moore, Biology; B.A., Evangel University, 1960; M.A., University of Missouri Kansas City, 1963; Ph.D., University of New Mexico Albuquerque, 1975. At SPU 1974–2007. Emeritus since 2007.

Howard Mount, Accounting; Vice President for Business and Finance, B.A., Washington State University, 1961; C.P.A., 1965; M.B.A., University of Puget Sound, 1983. At SPU 1975–1998. Emeritus since 1996.
Raymond E. Myers, Education; B.S., Wayne State University, 1963; M.S., Oregon State University, 1968; Ed.D., 1978. At SPU 1987–2005. Emeritus since 2005.
Annalee R. Oakes, Nursing; Dean of the School of Health Sciences; B.S.N., University of Washington, 1970; M.A., 1971; Ed.D., ɬÀï·¬ University, 1988. At SPU 1971–1998. Emerita since 1998.
Charles A. Olson, Mathematics; B.A.Ed., Western Washington University, 1963; M.A.T., Washington State University, 1968; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1977. At SPU 1981–1995. Emeritus since 1995.
Lorelie Olson, Education; B.A.Ed., Pacific Lutheran University, 1961; M.Ed., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1968; Ed.D., ɬÀï·¬ University, 1991. At SPU 1976–1999. Emerita since 1999.
Marilyn H. Poysky, Nursing; B.A., University of Washington, 1964; M.S., University of California, 1968. At SPU 1987–2003. Emerita since 2003.

Philip R. Prins, Computer Science; B.A., Humboldt State University, 1976, 1978; M.S., University of Idaho, 1984; Ph.D., 1993. At SPU 1992-2012. Emeritus since 2012.
Annette Robinson, Education; B.A., University of Washington, 1966; M.Ed., 1969; Ph.D., 1976. At SPU 1977–2001. Emerita since 2001.
Christina Horst Roseman, Classics; B.A., University of Washington, 1957; M.A., 1972; Ph.D., 1983. At SPU 1973–2001. Emerita since 2001.
William A. Rosenberger, Education and Administration; A.B., Roberts Wesleyan College, 1951; M.A., Michigan State University, 1955. At SPU 1976–1993. Emeritus since 1993.
Carl Roseveare, Education; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1955; M.Ed., University of Arizona, 1957; Ed.D., University of Arizona, 1965. At SPU 1973–1998. Emeritus since 1998.
William J. Rowley, Education; B.A. Pasadena College, 1962; M.A., San Jose State College, 1967; Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado, 1973. At SPU 1996–2008. Emeritus since 2008.

Lynn Samford, Physical Education; B.A., University of Wyoming, 1950; M.Ed., Central Washington University, 1961. At SPU 1982–1992. Emeritus since 1993.

George Scranton.  Professor of Theatre;  B.A. É¬Àï·¬ 1968;  Master of Arts É¬Àï·¬ Pacific University 1971;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1975;  Doctor of Philosophy The Graduate Theological Union 1994;  At SPU 1975-2015. Emeritus since 2015.
Marilyn S. Severson, French; B.A., Willamette University, 1962; M.A., University of Pittsburgh, 1964; Ph.D., University of Colorado, 1973. At SPU 1979–2004. Emerita since 2004.

Jay Skidmore, Professor of Clinical Psychology;  B.A. Azusa Pacific University 1976;  Master of Arts California State University Sa 1981;  Doctor of Philosophy Virginia Polytechnic Inst and 1988;  At SPU 2001-2015. Emeritus since 2015.
Peter Smith, Education; B.S.Ed, Oregon College of Education, 1962.; M.S.Ed., 1966; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1974. At SPU 1970–2002. Emeritus since 2002.

Richard A. Smith, Education; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1963; M.A., University of Oregon, 1968; Ph.D., 1972. At SPU 1988–2011. Emeritus since 2012.
Lilyan Snow, Nursing; B.S., San Jose State University, 1970; M.S., 1973; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1983. At SPU 1984–1998. Emerita since 1998.

Les Steele, Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs; Theology; B.A., Azusa Pacific, 1975; M.A., 1976; Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, 1984. At SPU 1985–2012. Emeritus since 2012.
Myrthalyne C. Thompson, Psychology; B.S., Akron University, 1953; M.S., 1955; Ph.D., Purdue University, 1958. At SPU 1968–1987. Emerita since 1987.
Kenneth D. Tollefson, Anthropology; B.S., Manhattan Bible College, 1958; M.Div., Asbury Theological Seminary, 1961; M.A., University of Oklahoma, 1965; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1976. At SPU 1965–1996. Emeritus since 1996.

Tom Trzyna.  Professor of English;  B.A. University of California 1968;  Master of Arts University of Washington 1974;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Washington 1977;  At SPU 1981-2015. Emeritus since 2015.
Stella Warnick, Family and Consumer Sciences; B.S., University of Alberta, 1956; M.A., University of Washington, 1970; Ph.D., 1989. At SPU 1974–2001. Emerita since 2001.
Hubert Wash, Music; A.B., Greenville College, 1943; M.M.Ed., Illinois Wesleyan University, 1960; Ph.D., Michigan State University, 1971. At SPU 1951–1955, 1976–1979, and 1981–1988. Emeritus since 1988.
Cathryn Washington, Health Sciences; B.S.N., Duke University, 1965; M.S., University of Maryland, 1971; Certificate: Primary Care Practitioner, University of Maryland, 1974; Ph.D., University of Kansas, 1987. At SPU 1988–2002. Emerita since 2002.

Robert D. Weathers, Physical Education; B.S.S.E., John Brown University, 1967; M.Ed., University of Arkansas, 1969; Ed.D., Brigham Young University, 1975. At SPU 1978-2010. Emeritus since 2010.
Raymond J. Wells, Philosophy and Religion; B.A., ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1946; S.T.B., New York Theological Seminary, 1949; S.T.M., 1950; Ph.D., University of Edinburgh, Scotland, 1955. At SPU 1967– 1993. Emeritus since 1993.
Vernon Wicker, Music; B.M., Biola College, 1961; M.M., Indiana University, 1964; Goethe Institute, Germany, 1964; D.M.A., University of Oregon, 1979. At SPU 1979–2002. Emeritus since 2002.
Dick A. Wood, Mathematics and Computer Science; B.S., California State College at Long Beach, 1961; M.A., 1962; Ph.D., University of Montana, 1976. At SPU 1963–1965, 1968–1979, and 1984–2003. Emeritus since 2003.

Martha Worcester, Nursing; B.S., California State University Chico, 1962; M.S., University of California San Francisco, 1964; Ph.D., University of Washington, 1990. At SPU 1989–2007. Emerita since 2007.

Sharon Young.  Professor of Mathematics and Math Education;  B.A. University of Redlands 1966;  Master of Arts University of Denver 1976;  Doctor of Philosophy University of Colorado Boulder 1979;  At SPU 1995-2015. Emerita since 2015.

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