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School Executive Leadership and Superintendent Certificate


Executive Leadership and Superintendent Certification
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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School Executive Leadership

Peterson Hall
gradadmissions@spu.edu | 206-281-2091


The School Executive Leadership program is intended for those who wish to prepare to become educational leaders outside the superintendency. As distinct from the Superintendent Certification program, this program is designed for both certificated and non-certificated educational leaders.

The first option provides professional development opportunities within a specialized area for certificated candidates. The second option provides non-certificated students or those who hold either current teacher or ESA certification who currently serve in a district level position with an opportunity to receive a program administrator certificate by completing this program.



Candidates complete the same core coursework as for the superintendent certificate, but replace the field experience with electives in a chosen specialization and/or an applied field study in that area of specialization. All coursework is completed over a two-year period.

Core Coursework (18 credits)

EDAD 7581   Systems Leadership (3)
EDAD 7582   Educational Law and Policy Studies (3)
EDAD 7584   Resource Management (3)
EDAD 7586   Interpersonal Relations (3)
EDAD 7588   Improving Student Learning (3)
EDAD 7589   Policy, Governance, and Ethics (3)

Professional Growth Planning Seminars (3 credits)

EDAD 7100   Professional Growth Planning Seminar I (1)
EDAD 7200   Professional Growth Planning Seminar II (1)
EDAD 7300   Professional Growth Planning Seminar III (1)

Executive Leadership Specialization (6 credits)

The specialization portion of the program may be met through coursework and/or applied field study experiences

Areas of Specialization for Executive Leaders

  • Teaching and Learning (Curriculum and Instruction)
  • Finance and Business
  • Human Relations Administration
  • Special Education
  • Support Programs (Remediation, ELL, etc.)



Non-certified candidates who currently serve in a district level position, or those currently certified as teachers or as educational staff associates, complete the same core coursework as for the superintendent certification, but receive program administrator certification. All coursework is completed over a two-year period.

Core Coursework (18 credits)

EDAD 7581   Systems Leadership (3)
EDAD 7582  Educational Law and Policy Studies (3)
EDAD 7584   Resource Management (3)
EDAD 7586   Interpersonal Relations (3)
EDAD 7588   Improving Student Learning (3)
EDAD 7589   Policy, Governance, and Ethics (3)

Professional Growth Planning Seminars (3 credits)

EDAD 7100   Professional Growth Planning Seminar I (1)
EDAD 7200   Professional Growth Planning Seminar II (1)
EDAD 7300   Professional Growth Planning Seminar III (1)

Executive Leadership Field Experience (6–9 credits)

EDAD 7890   Executive Leadership Field Experience (6–9)

The Executive Leadership program with program administrator certification requires at least 360 hours of field experience. The number of required credits (minimum of 6) is dependent on experience and desired position.


Students must be continuously enrolled in required SPU courses to earn a graduate degree or certificate or until the student is officially withdrawn from the program.

Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by the program chair.

A student who decides to no longer pursue a graduate degree or certificate may officially withdraw from the program and the university by notifying the program chair and the graduate programs manager.

A student may be granted a leave of absence for up to four quarters by the program chair. Once the leave of absence has expired, the student will either enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from the program.

The university office of Student Academic Services (SAS) requires continuous enrollment to remain admitted in a graduate program. After four quarters of non-enrollment, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.


To apply, submit the following items to to be considered for admissions:

  • An .
  • A $50 processing fee. Make checks payable to "ɬÀï·¬."
  • Official transcripts from all institutions where a degree was conferred or where post-master's graduate coursework was completed. (To maintain their official status, transcripts must remain sealed in their original envelopes.) Each candidate for the school executive leadership program must have completed a master's, doctorate, or other advanced degree.
  • A copy of the most recently earned professional teacher or ESA certificate, if applicable. Proof of current employment in a district-level position.
  • Two letters of recommendation. These must represent a current assessment of the applicant's qualifications. It is preferred that one recommendation be from the applicant's supervisor. The other may be from an instructor, another supervisor, pastor, or a colleague. Recommendations must remain sealed in their original envelopes.
  • For those applying for the Executive Leadership with Program Administrator Certification program, an approved Site Agreement signed by the superintendent of the applicant's district, indicating that the district will work with him or her to make an internship experience possible. (If no internship site is available, the applicant should include a note to this effect with the application.)


Both tracks of the School Executive Leadership program are set up on a cohort format, with coursework beginning Autumn Quarter.

  • ɬÀï·¬ 15 applicants are admitted each year. Candidates are admitted as application materials are completed and reviewed.
  • Students may begin the program in that fall of the academic year and complete the program in a cohort model.


3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 115-G
ɬÀï·¬, WA 98119-1922



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