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Master of Arts in Teaching


ARC - Elementary
ARC - Secondary/P-12 Certification
ARC - Special Education + Elementary Certification
ARC - Special Education + Secondary
MAT - Elementary Certification
MAT - Secondary and/or P-12 Certification
MAT - Special Education and Elementary
MAT - Special Education and Secondary
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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Master of Arts in Teaching (Elementary and Secondary)

Peterson Hall
gradadmissions@spu.edu | 206-281-2091


The Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) combines a with an Master of Arts in Teaching degree. Candidates in the MAT program become effective teachers by:

  • Demonstrating effective teaching practices
  • Centering instruction on high expectations for student achievement
  • Recognizing and responding to individual student learning needs
  • Providing clear and intentional focus on subject matter content and curriculum
  • Fostering and managing a safe, positive learning environment
  • Using multiple student data elements to modify instruction and improve student learning
  • Communicating and collaborating with parents and the school community
  • Exhibiting collaborative and collegial practices focused on improving instruction and learning

Certification is earned in seven academic quarters or two years. The MAT degree is earned concurrently with certification requirements or in subsequent quarters.

The certification component of the MAT program is a variable credit program (generally between 45 and 50 credits), depending on endorsement area. Approximately one-third of these credits are allocated for a 14-week internship. Completion of certification courses, internship requirements, and passing program assessments qualifies candidates for a Washington state Residency Certificate. This certificate enables candidates to teach in public and private schools in Washington state.


Coursework begins in the autumn with online and on-campus classes in history of education, diversity, and learning theory. Coursework varies depending on endorsement area to provide discipline-specific emphasis. Candidates typically enroll in classes with peers who are earning the same primary endorsement to promote collegial interdependence. The number of on-campus meetings for coursework varies by endorsement area. However, candidates may anticipate meeting on-campus once or twice a week, beginning at 4:30 p.m. and ending at 7:05 p.m. or 9 p.m. depending on the class and quarter.

Internship begins mid-winter during the second year. Candidates are paired with a mentor teacher and field supervisor in a supervised school setting. Internship is five days a week, for 14 weeks (the 14 week requirement does not include days off for mid-winter or spring vacations). Candidates continue with coursework during internship. Additional school-based experiences include a 40-hour spring practicum requirement in the first year of the program and a 20-hour autumn experience in the second year.

Candidates and mentor teachers follow a co-teaching model during internship where responsibility for planning, instruction, management, and assessment is shared. Candidates begin internship with focused observations and progress to independent teaching. Across internship, candidates complete assignments designed to maximize field experiences, such as portfolio reflections, unit plans, and program assessments. Internship concludes with candidates returning control of classroom responsibilities to their mentor teachers.


Students must be continuously enrolled in required SPU courses to earn a graduate degree or until the student is officially withdrawn from the program. Exceptions to continuous enrollment must be approved by the program chair.

A student who decides to no longer pursue a graduate degree may officially withdraw from the program and the university by notifying the program chair and the graduate programs manager.

A student may be granted a leave of absence for up to four quarters by the program chair. Once the leave of absence has expired, the student will either enroll in graduate coursework or be dropped from the program.

The university office of Student Academic Services (SAS) requires continuous enrollment to remain admitted in a graduate program. After four quarters of non-enrollment, students will be placed in “inactive status” and will need to reapply for admission.


Candidates earn the MAT degree by completing five graduate level courses, totaling 15 credits. Classes required for the MAT degree are not needed for certification. However, most candidates complete degree requirements as they complete certification to increase their base salary.

Candidates may delay completion of degree requirements for five years from the quarter of admission, as long as active enrollment status is maintained by completing one class every four quarters. Students admitted to the MAT program with a master’s degree may complete EDU 6085 to receive the MAT degree.


  • Earn a Washington Residency Teacher Certificate
  • Complete a Master of Arts in Teaching, which offers greater teaching expertise and a higher position on the
  • Progress through the program with fellow students in a cohort
  • Enjoypersonalized advising and mentoring from faculty and staff
  • Take part in a full-time, year-long internship experience with diverse learners
  • Learnfrom technology instruction embedded in the curriculum
  • Create a personalized Teacher Development Plan
  • Receive guaranteed enrollment in certification courses


Candidates in the MAT program must hold an accredited bachelor’s degree, preferably with a major aligned with a state-recognized endorsement area, and meet all residency certification requirements. Candidates with an undergraduate degree or major in a field not recognized as an endorsement area by Washington State may need to complete additional courses to meet content requirements.

Applications are due March 15. Qualified applicants are invited to participate in group interviews mid-to late April.

Applicants must submit the following materials for admission into the program:

  • and $50 application processing fee
  • Official transcript(s) from each college or university attended
    • If your degree is not from a U.S. college or university, please arrange for your transcript to be evaluated by an accredited transcript evaluation company such as . Have the report forwarded directly to Graduate Admissions.
  • Personal statement (1–2 pages)
  • Résumé
  • or scores taken within five years of application
    • On the former GRE exam, preferred minimum combined Verbal and Quantitative score of 950
    • On the revised GRE exam, preferred minimum scores of Verbal: 148 and Quantitative: 147
    • On the MAT, preferred minimum scaled score of 400*
  • Two to four letters of recommendation.
  • Passing scores including 240 on each subtest: reading, writing, and mathematics
    • Applicants may use a combination of SAT, ACT, and WEST-B scores to meet the WEST-B requirement (reading writing, mathematics). Please contact the Graduate Center if you have questions.
      • Minimum SAT scores required - Math: 515, Reading: 500, Writing: 490
      • Minimum ACT scores required - Math: 22, Reading: 22, Writing: 8
  • Passing
    • WEST-E or NES must be passed January 1 of the first year of the program, except for those endorsing in special education,designated world languages, and English language learners, which must be passed September 1 of the second year of the program.
    • Those endorsing in designated world languages or bilingual education must also pass oral and writing proficiency tests () in their language area
    • Several are located on the main floor Reference section of the SPU's Ames Library
  • Endorsement Verification form
    • Endorsements are the content and grade levels a teacher is prepared to teach. The provides a comprehensive list of all endorsements offered at SPU.
      • If your college major matches your intended endorsement, complete the Endorsement Verification form in the application.
      • If your major does not match your intended endorsement, please contact Kristi Kanehen at 206-281-2214. Complete the Endorsement Verification form only after contacting Kristi Kanehen. On the form, indicate that you have been in contact with her and list your "Approved Plan of Study" if one has been developed.
  • Moral Character and Personal Fitness Policy form (found in the online application)


Financial aid is available for qualified applicants through or by calling 1-800-737-8826.

Paraeducators, instructional assistants, and teachers employed through Conditional or Emergency certificates may be able to remain employed in their school district or private school while completing internship requirements.

Prospective candidates are encouraged to visit the and the for additional information on becoming a teacher in Washington state.


An Alternative Routes to Certification program based on the MAT degree is also available. Contact Ted Hiemstra for program comparison.


3307 Third Avenue West, Suite 115-G
ɬÀï·¬, WA 98119-1922


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