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Nursing (M.S.N.) and Certificate Programs


Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner
Clinical Leadership in Practice
Clinical Leadership in Practice: Nurse Ed Specialization
Clinical Nurse Specialist
Family Nurse Practitioner
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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Nurse Educator - Post-Master's Certificate
Nurse Educator-Post Baccalaureate Certificate
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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Adult-Gerontology Nurse Practitioner-Post Master's Cert.
Family Nurse Practitioner - Post-Master's Certificate
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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Nursing (MSN) and Certificate Programs

Marston Hall
beth.vancamp@spu.edu | 206-281-2888


At a time of unprecedented change and challenges in health care, it is increasingly important that nurses provide the vision, talent, and leadership necessary to serve individuals, groups, and communities.

The Graduate Nursing Program at ɬÀï·¬ prepares you to advance clinical care and expand your career opportunities within a specialty concentration of your choice. Our program focuses on using current theory and evidence-based practice to improve the quality and safety of care. The School of Health Sciences is committed to robust academics within a relationship-centered learning environment.


The MSN program offers the following specialty concentrations:

  • Clinical Leadership in Practice
  • Clinical Leadership in Practice, Nurse Educator Specialization
  • Clinical Nurse Specialist*
  • Nurse Practitioner (family or adult/gerontology)

* Eligibility criteria for board certification as a Clinical Nurse Specialist are established by accrediting agencies (e.g., American Nurses Credentialing Center-ANCC).  Additional elective coursework may be needed to satisfy eligibility criteria for CNS board certification.  Refer to accrediting agency’s website for specific eligibility criteria.


Two certificate programs are also available:

  • Nurse Educator Certificate (post-baccalaureate/post-master’s)
  • Nurse Practitioner Certificate (post-master’s)


The graduate nursing admissions counselor (beth.vancamp@spu.edu) is available to assist you with your application. Requirements vary by specialty practice and your educational background. GRE scores are not required for admission. 

Clinical Leadership in Practice and the Nurse Educator Specialization

For admission to the Clinical Leadership in Practice Program (with or without the Nurse Educator Specialization) the following are required:


  • An associate or a baccalaureate degree (in nursing or a related field). Baccalaureate degree holders in a field other than nursing may be required to complete additional coursework (pending approved transfer of credits).
  • Active, unencumbered Washington state RN license.
  • Documented minimum of 18 months of active RN experience* at the time of the due date for application submission.
  • The following prerequisite coursework is required with a cumulative GPA at minimum 3.0 and a minimum of 2.0 in any pre-requisite course:
    • Statistics
    • English Composition
    • Anatomy and Physiology
    • Microbiology
    • Lifespan Psychology
    • Chemistry

Note: Transcripted courses in arts and humanities will be reviewed for potential substitution for courses included in the SPU curriculum.

Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner

For admission to the Clinical Nurse Specialist and Nurse Practitioner Programs the following are required:

  • A baccalaureate degree in nursing or a related field. Baccalaureate degree holders in a field other than nursing may be required to complete additional coursework (pending approved transfer of credits).
  • Documented minimum of 24 months active RN experience* at the time of the due date for application submission.
  • Satisfactory completion of a 5 quarter credit statistics course with a grade of 2.0 or better.
  • Active, unencumbered Washington State RN license.

Nurse Educator Certificate Program

For admission to the Nurse Educator Certificate Program the following are required:

  • A baccalaureate, a master’s, or doctoral degree in nursing.
  • At the time of the due date for application submission, qualified applicants must be able to document a minimum of 18 months active RN experience.*
  • Active, unencumbered Washington State RN License.

Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program

For the Nurse Practitioner Certificate Program the following are required:

  • A master’s or doctoral degree in nursing.
  • Documented minimum of 24 months active RN experience* at the time of the due date for application submission.
  • Satisfactory completion of a 5 quarter credit statistics course with a grade of 2.0 or better.
  • Active, unencumbered Washington state RN license.

* The SHS Graduate Program defines active nursing practice to include those activities that require RN licensure, employment, and utilize the nursing process to deliver or direct care.

  • CNS applicants must demonstrate a population focus or specialty practice in their active clinical practice. Please refer to the American Nurse Credentialing Center for CNS national certification specialties.
  • It is preferred that FNP applicants demonstrate nursing experience as a licensed RN in the care of patients across the life span (pediatric and adult populations).
  • It is preferred that AGNP applicants demonstrate nursing experience as a licensed RN in the care of adult populations.


Applicants who meet minimum requirements are not guaranteed admission. Completed applications are screened and reviewed by The Graduate Center and the Graduate Admissions Committee. The Graduate Admissions Committee consists of members of the Graduate Studies and Post Graduate Studies Committee (GPSC) and other key SHS faculty.

  • .
  • $50 processing fee. (Make checks out to ɬÀï·¬.)
  • Official transcript(s).
  • Two professional recommendation letters. (One must be from a current manager, supervisor, or direct report.)
  • Personal reflection statement. (Prompt is found in the online application.)
  • Résumé and cover letter.

The SPU Graduate Center will confirm your active, unencumbered RN license.

After the review of your application, you may be invited to complete a thesis-driven essay and/or have an in-person interview as part of the admissions process.

It is recommended that you begin the process by submitting an application, although you may send other admissions documents at any time. It is also recommended that you talk with the SPU Graduate Center early in the application process in order to ensure a smooth transition into the program.


The Graduate Nursing Program operates on a cohort model beginning with foundational coursework that a focuses on quality clinical practice, evidence-based practice, and leadership. Coursework is separated into specialty areas and clinical Internship experiences begin only after the completion of all prerequisite courses. All graduate coursework must adhere to specified levels of scholarship before progression can occur.


The general requirements for a master’s degree are consistent with those listed for the University. All courses must be completed as designated on the student's individual curriculum plan. The University requires that all master's degree coursework be completed within a six-year limit. Students electing to complete a thesis must register for additional thesis credits.

To graduate, all students must demonstrate beginning proficiency within their professional role as put forth by professional standards for practice as well as fulfill all requirements as stated by the University.


The Graduate Center
Beth Van Camp, Admissions Counselor
beth.vancamp@spu.edu or 206-281-2888 or 800-601-0603 (toll free)

Apply online at .

Graduate Program, School of Health Sciences

Katie Bennett, Graduate Administrative Assistant
kbennett@spu.edu or 206-281-2616

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