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MA in Management with Specialization in Human Resources Mgmt
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Master of Arts in Management with a

specialization in Human Resources (MAM-HR)


McKenna Hall
SBGE-grad@spu.edu | 206-281-2753



The Human Resources specialization in the MA in Management program at ɬÀï·¬ provides you with the skills and knowledge necessary to excel as a professional in the human resources field.

The MAM-HR program enhances your past academic work and professional experience, preparing you to become more effective in current responsibilities or to open opportunities for new responsibilities. It is intended primarily for early-career working HR professionals who recognize the need to develop and expand knowledge and expertise in HR.

ɬÀï·¬ Pacific's School of Business, Government, and Economics (SBGE) is committed to providing you with an applied, experiential, and collaborative learning environment in which business and Christian faith, ethics, and character are integrated. The objectives of the program are to develop your abilities to do the following:

  • Provide values-based leadership to the management of human resources in organizations.
  • Evaluate the effects of human resource management systems on organizations and personnel with regard to fostering human flourishing (i.e., providing meaningful and creative work; respecting the dignity of persons; and acting with justice and integrity in relationships).
  • Apply in-depth knowledge of human resources management issues to real-world problems.
  • Communicate effectively, work in teams, use information technology, and self-assess personal abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.


The curriculum consists of nine business foundations courses, four advanced courses, five HR elective courses, and an applied project course.

All courses are 3 quarter credits. A minimum of 36 credits (12 courses) must be completed at SPU.


Generally, you must have at least a 3.0 GPA in your undergraduate studies and evidence of at least one year of continuous, full-time, substantive work experience after receipt of the bachelor's degree on your résumé. GMAT or GRE test scores are not required for applicants who demonstrate strong alignment with the program’s goals and who have at least a 3.0 cumulative undergraduate GPA. (Scores may be requested from those who do not meet the minimum requirements for admission.)

A TOEFL score of 90 or above on the iBT version is preferred for international (ESL) applicants.

Submission of two letters of recommendation from employers and a three- to four-page personal statement that responds to essay questions available from the School are optional, but strongly encouraged.


Qualified individuals may take up to three business foundations courses if they have:

  • An undergraduate degree (as evidenced by an official transcript from an accredited institution)
  • A minimum cumulative undergraduate grade point average (GPA) of 3.0
  • A minimum of one year full-time work experience (as evidenced by a current résumé)

Pre-qualified students may not take advanced or elective courses. If they wish to continue in a graduate program after taking three core courses, they must apply for admission. Pre-qualified status does not guarantee full admission at a later date.


The school admits students for all four academic quarters. You must for admission, $50 application fee, and personal statement (essay) by the dates listed below. Recommendation letters, transcripts, and test scores must all arrive before an admission decision can be made.


Quarter/Starting Month Application Deadline
Autumn Quarter/September August 1
Winter Quarter/January November 1
Spring Quarter/March February 1
Summer Session/June May 1


Application deadlines for international students are as follows:


Quarter/Starting Month Application Deadline
Autumn Quarter/September June 1
Winter Quarter/January September 1
Spring Quarter/March December 1
Summer Session/June (Not open to international students)



Admission materials should be directed to the Graduate Center. If you have questions, contact the SBGE graduate program coordinator:


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