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MS - ISM Data Analytics Track
MS - ISM Program Management Track
MS - ISM Systems Integration Track
Time Schedule
Course Descriptions
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Master of Science in Information Systems Management (MS-ISM)

McKenna Hall
sbge-grad@spu.edu | 206-281-2753


We live in a society that is increasingly dependent upon the exchange of information and information services. More and more organizations recognize that their information resources are high-value assets of strategic significance and they rely upon rapid access and evaluation of accurate information for their survival.

Today’s successful businesses can no longer maintain their strategic advantage without competent leadership from their IT organizations. This program develops those leaders with a strong balance of management, technology, and leadership skills needed to handle complex globally integrated systems.

The application of information technology and information systems is changing not only the way organizations do business but also organizational structures. Competition and cooperation in our global, networked, and dynamic environment has created a need for ɬÀï·¬ who can work together in teams and apply information technology and information systems to meet organizations' information requirements.

The MS-ISM program serves managers who want to apply information technology and information systems to solve important problems in organizations. It also serves systems analysts and designers with computer science backgrounds who need to understand the broader role of information systems in organizations. The program prepares a student to integrate information systems and business processes as a project manager, an information manager, and, ultimately, as a CIO.


This program develops IT leaders who will apply information technology and information systems to solve important problems in organizations. Students are prepared to lead and manage the integration of information systems and business processes as a project manager, an information manager, and, ultimately, as a CIO.

SPU's School of Business, Government, and Economics (SBGE) is committed to providing an applied, experiential, and collaborative learning environment in which information systems and Christian faith, ethics, and character are integrated.

A team-centered educational approach provides students with opportunities for extensive group work and group interaction. Hands-on application of information technology is emphasized. The objectives of the information systems management (ISM) program are to develop students' ability to do the following:

  • Provide values-based leadership in the planning, development, and management of information systems.
  • Effectively integrate information systems with business strategies, processes, and decision making.
  • Evaluate the effects of information systems on organizations and personnel, and assist in managing the resultant transitions.
  • Communicate effectively, work in teams, and self-assess personal abilities, strengths, and weaknesses.


The ISM curriculum consists of pre-ISM foundations courses, advanced courses, and elective courses. (Some IT skills are also prerequisite.)

All ISM courses are 3 quarter credits. A minimum of 36 credits (12 courses) must be completed at SPU.

The curriculum keeps up-to-date on the changing demands placed upon information systems managers. Current topics emphasized in this program include outsourcing models, large-scale integration projects, security and ethics, knowledge management and business intelligence, and other related special topics such as health informatics, retail information systems, manufacturing information systems, and others.


Students must show familiarity with programming or web development — and also have skills in word processing, spreadsheets, and databases.


Foundation courses in accounting and operations management (6 credit hours) cover basic business concepts that must be understood to achieve the program's objectives.

Many students have covered some or all of this subject matter in an undergraduate program. In the following circumstances, coursework completed at the undergraduate level prior to admission to the program may fulfill one or more pre-ISM courses.

  • If you earned a bachelor's degree within seven years* of admission to the program that included courses covering the same body of knowledge as foundations courses:
    • Courses in which you earned a minimum grade of B may fulfill foundation courses with comparable content.
    • A course taken for pass/no credit cannot fulfill a foundation course requirement.
  • If you completed a bachelor's degree more than seven years prior to admission to the program, or if the grade in the undergraduate course is below B but not below C+:
    • You may take a competency examination in the subject.
    • Competency tests must be completed within the year following your date of admission to the program.
    • If the competency examination is successfully completed, the applicable foundation course will be considered fulfilled.
    • If you do not successfully complete the competency exam, you must take the graduate course or complete it via credit by examination for which tuition and an examination fee are charged.


Advanced courses total 30 credit hours. These courses may not be fulfilled by undergraduate coursework, and transfer credit from other institutions will be given only for graduate-level courses covering the same body of knowledge. Students may transfer a maximum of three courses (9 credits) from other institutions with the approval of the SBGE associate dean for graduate programs.

ELECTIVE COURSES (15 credit hours)

To gain the most out of the ISM degree, you are encouraged to specialize in one of three emphases:

Systems Integration Emphasis

This emphasis focuses on strategic, technological, financial, and organizational issues and matching these issues with the right technology, applications, and data across the enterprise.

ISM 6255  Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (3)
ISM 6313  IT as a Strategic Advantage (3)
ISM 6345  Distribution Applications (3)
ISM 6910  Seminar in Information Systems Management (1–6)
ISM 6930  ISM Consulting Practicum (3–6)

Program Management Emphasis

This emphasis focuses on ensuring the successful development and implementation of an organization's information systems. Additional expertise in project management, organizational structures and behavior, and strategy and system development standards is developed.

BUS 6360  Innovation and Change Management (3)
BUS 6365  The High Technology Enterprise (3)
BUS 6367  Project Management (3)
ISM 6335  IT Engineering Management (3)
ISM 6910  Seminar in Information Systems Management (1–6)
ISM 6930  ISM Consulting Practicum (3–6)

Data Management and Analytics Emphasis

The analytics emphasis focuses on managing the mountains of data that organizations use and enabling management to make sense of that data. It develops further expertise in the areas of data management, data visualization, data analytics, and business intelligence.

BUS 6171  Statistics for Business Decisions (3)
ISM 6255  Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence (3)
ISM 6356  Data Mining, Analytics and Visualization (3)


Generally, you must have at least a 3.0 GPA in your undergraduate studies, at least a 500 GMAT total score (25V, 30Q, and 4.4AW) or at least a 295 GRE score and evidence of at least one year of continuous, full-time, substantive work experience after receipt of the bachelor's degree on your résumé.

  • The GMAT/GRE requirement is waived for applicants with a cumulative GPA of 3.7; a cumulative GPA of 3.25 or above and five years of post-baccalaureate professional work experience (or three years managerial experience); or, a cumulative GPA of 3.0 and at least 10 years of post-baccalaureate professional work experience. The GMAT/GRE is also waived for applicants already possessing an advanced degree from an accredited university.
  • Applicants with less than 1-year of post-baccalaureate professional work experience, but who are otherwise strong candidates and are currently employed in a meaningful professional role may be considered.

A of 90 or above on the iBT version is preferred for international (ESL) applicants.

Submission of two letters of recommendation from employers and a three to four-page personal statement that responds to essay questions available from the school are optional, but strongly encouraged.


Qualified individuals may take up to two pre-ISM courses if they have an undergraduate degree (as evidenced by an official transcript from an accredited institution); a minimum cumulative undergraduate GPA of 3.0; and a minimum of one year full-time work experience (as evidenced by a current résumé).

Pre-qualified students may not take advanced or elective courses. If they wish to continue in a graduate program, they must apply for admission. Pre-qualified status does not guarantee full admission at a later date.


The school admits students for all four academic quarters.

The application for admission, $50 application fee, and personal statement (essay) must be received by the dates listed below. Recommendation letters, transcripts, and test scores must all arrive before an admission decision can be made.

Quarter/Starting Month

Application Deadline


August 1


November 1


February 1


May 1

Application Deadlines for International Students


Quarter/Starting Month

Application Deadline


June 1


September 1


December 1


(Not open to international students)



Admission materials should be directed to the Graduate Center. If you have questions, please contact the SBGE Graduate Program Coordinator:


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