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BA, Southern Nazarene University, 1989; JD, University of Kansas, 1993; MBA, University of Kansas, 1993; EdD, University of Kansas, 1998; EdD, University of Pennsylvania, 2006. At SPU since 2012.


Provost; Professor of Business Ethics and Business Law
BA, University of California-Berkeley, 1976; JD,Yale Law School, 1979. At SPU since 2001.

Senior Vice President for University Relations
BA, Nyack College, 1973; MA, New School for Social Research, 1977. At SPU since 1981.


BA, Houghton College, 1983; MS, State University of New York, College at Buffalo, 1985; EdD, ɬÀï·¬ University, 2004. At SPU since 2004.


Vice President for Business and Finance

BA, ɬÀï·¬, 1988; MBA, ɬÀï·¬ University, 1991. At SPU since 1993.

Senior Vice President for Business and Planning
BS, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1971; CPA, State of Washington, 1973; MBA, ɬÀï·¬, 1988. At SPU since 1980.


Ruth L. Adams, MS
Director of ; University Registrar
B.A., Warner Pacific College, 1984; M.S., ɬÀï·¬, 1991. At SPU since 1988.

Jordan L. Grant, MPA
Assistant Vice President for Enrollment Management; Director of
BS, University of Oregon, 1993.; MPA, ɬÀï·¬ University, 2004. At SPU since 2004.

W. Tali Hairston, MA

BA, University of Washington, 1994;  MA, Fuller Theological Seminary, 2007. At SPU since 2001.

Janet L. Ward, MPA
Associate Vice President for
BA, Washington State University, 1977; MPA, The Evergreen State College, 1986. At SPU since 1988.



Bruce D. Congdon, PhD
Dean, , Science Division; Professor of Biology
BS, University of the Ozarks, 1979; MS, Colorado State University, 1981; PhD, University of California-Riverside, 1985. At SPU since 1985.

Rick Eigenbrood, PhD
Dean, ; Professor of Education
BS, Dordt College,1974; MA, University of Washington, 1979; PhD, University of Iowa, 1988. At SPU since 2001.

Mícheál Roe, PhD
Dean, ; Professor of Psychology
BA, Revelle College, University of California, 1973; MEd, University of Washington, 1975; PhD, University of Washington, 1981. At SPU since 1988.

Debra-L Sequeira, PhD

Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, Humanities Division

BA, San Francisco State University, 1976; MA, University of Washington, 1978; PhD, 1987. At SPU 1978-1985 and since 1990.

Douglas M. Strong, PhD

Dean, ; Professor of the History of Christianity

BA, Houghton College, 1978; MDiv, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1981; PhD, Princeton Theological Seminary, 1990. At SPU since 2007.

Lorie Wild, PhD
Dean, ; Professor of Nursing
BSN, Grand Valley State University, 1980; MN, University of Washington, 1983; PhD, University of Washington, 1996. At SPU since 2012.

Joseph Williams, PhD

Dean, School of Business and Economics

BA, University of California-Berkeley, 1978; MA, University of Wisconsin-Madison, 1980; MBA, University of Texas-Austin, 1982; PhD, University of Texas-Austin, 1987. At SPU since 2013.



Kathryn Bartholomew, PhD (kbarthol@spu.edu)
Program Director, MA-TESOL; Associate Professor of Foreign Languages and Linguistics

BA, University of Washington, 1969; MA, 1970; PhD, 1979. At SPU since 1989.

Scott F. Beers, Ph.D. (sbeers@spu.edu)

Chair, MEd in Literacy; Assistant Professor of Curriculum and Instruction

BA, Yale University, 1990; MA, University of Colorado, 1996; PhD, University of Washington, 2004. At SPU since 2004.

David W. Denton, EdD (dentod@spu.edu)

Chair, Graduate Teacher Education; Assistant Professor of Education

BA, University of Oregon, 1998; MEd, University of Oregon, 2000; EdD, ɬÀï·¬, 2010. At SPU since 2011.


Cher Edwards, PhD (edwards@spu.edu)

Chair, School Counseling; Associate Professor of School Counseling

BA, Bowling Green State University, 1994; MS, University of Dayton, 1995; PhD, Ohio University, 2002. At SPU since 2002.

Claudia Grauf-Grounds, PhD (claudiagg@spu.edu)
Chair of Marriage and Family Therapy; Professor of Marriage and Family Therapy
BA, Stanford University, 1976; MA, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1978; MA, University of Southern California, 1981; PhD, University of Southern California, 1988. At SPU since 2000.

Gary L. Karns, PhD (gkarns@spu.edu)

Associate Dean, Graduate Programs, School of Business and Economics; Professor of Marketing

BA, MBA University of Oklahoma, 1976, 1977; PhD, University of Washington, 1987. At SPU since 1979.

Andrew Lumpe, PhD (lumpea@spu.edu)

Associate Dean of Graduate Programs; Director of Doctoral Programs, School of Education; Professor of Education

BA, Washburn University, 1983; MS, Kansas State University, 1990; PhD, Kansas State University, 1992. At SPU since 2006.

Robert McKenna, PhD (rmckenna@spu.edu)
Chair Industrial/Organizational Psychology; Associate Professor of Industrial/Organizational Psychology
BA, ɬÀï·¬, 1990; MBA, 1992; PhD, Claremont Graduate University, 1998. At SPU since 1999.

William Prenevost, EdD (prenew@spu.edu)
Chair, Educational Leadership; Associate Professor of Educational Administration and Supervision
BS, Montana State University, 1969; MEd, University of Washington, 1974; EdD, University of Washington, 1992. At SPU since 2006.

Jay Skidmore, PhD (skidmore@spu.edu)
Chair, Clinical Psychology; Professor of Graduate Psychology; Director of Clinical Training
BA, Azusa Pacific University, 1976; MA, California State University, 1981; PhD, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 1988. At SPU since 2001.

Gregory Wolfe, MA (gwolfe@spu.edu)
Director, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing

BA, Hillsdale College, 1980; MA, Oxford University, 1983. At SPU since 2000.



Megan Hamshar, BA (mego@spu.edu)
Graduate Program Manager, School of Education

BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2002. At SPU since 2007.

Katie Bennett, BA (kbennett@spu.edu)
Graduate Program Administrative Assistant, Health Sciences; Lydia Green Nursing Program

BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2009. At SPU since 2010.

Alison Howard, BA (howara@spu.edu)
Program Coordinator, Marriage and Family Therapy Program
BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2011. At SPU since 2012.

Tyler McCabe, BA (mfa@spu.edu)
Program Coordinator, Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing
BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2011. At SPU since 2011.

Tamara Kennedy, AAB (clinicalpsyc@spu.edu)
Program Coordinator, Clinical Psychology

AAB, Ohio University, 1980. At SPU since 2005.

Brianna Piedmonte, BS (piedmb@spu.edu)

Program Coordinator, Industrial/Organizational Psychology

BS, ɬÀï·¬, 2008. At SPU since 2008.

Nicole Pennebaker, MA (tesol@spu.edu)

Program Assistant, MA-TESOL

BA, Evergreen State College, 1992; MA, University of Colorado-Boulder, 2000. At SPU since 2010.

Deb Schleusener, MA (deb@spu.edu)
Associate Graduate Director, School of Business and Economics
MA, Fuller Seminary, 2011; B., Northwestern College, 1997. At SPU since 2011.

Billy Vo, MA

Director, Asian American Program; ɬÀï·¬ Pacific Seminary
MA, Regent College; BA, University of Washington. At SPU since 2012.



John L. Glancy, EdD (jglancy@spu.edu)
Director of Graduate Admissions and Marketing
BA, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific College, 1970; MC, University of Washington, 1979; EdD, ɬÀï·¬, 2005. At SPU 1970-72, 1973-76, and since 1980.

Ted Hiemstra, MEd (hiemstra@spu.edu)

Associate Director of Graduate Admissions
BA, Whitworth College, 1970; MEd, University of WA, 1980; Washington PK-12 Principal Certificate, ɬÀï·¬, 1994. At SPU since 2004.

Beth Van Camp, BS, RN (beth.vancamp@spu.edu)

Admissions Counselor, MSN Program
ADN Shoreline Community College, 1976; RN-BSN, ɬÀï·¬, 1998. At SPU since 2007.

Lakeisha Fusi (fusil@spu.edu)
Associate Director of Graduate Admissions; Director of Graduate Marketing
BA, University of Southern California, 1998; MS, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Year; At SPU since 2012.

Kristen Olson, BA (rossk@spu.edu)
Office and Budget Manager for Graduate Admissions and Marketing

BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2005. At SPU since 2007.

Andy Martin, MBA (amartin@spu.edu)
Graduate Records Coordinator
BA, ɬÀï·¬, 1988; MBA, Grand Canyon University, 2009. At SPU 1988-95, 2000-01, and since 2004.

Ginene Ferrell (ferreg@spu.edu)
Graduate Records Coordinator. At SPU since 2005.

Mike Gagliano (gaglim@spu.edu)

Computer Services Manager

BA, ɬÀï·¬, 2010. At SPU since 2011.

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