NUR 6101: Professional Leadership: Individual and Group (3) Offerings |
Concepts of leadership, within the framework of the professional nursing role (CNS, CNL, NP, N Ed, N Admin), are assessed. Analysis of effective leadership in small groups, critical thinking, and clinical decision making is explored. Theories of leadership, values, and interdisciplinary team management are integrated. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6102: Professional Leadership: Healthcare Management (3) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6101. Continues analysis, application and evaluation of leadership concepts introduced in NUR 6101. Quality improvement, evidence based practice, fiscal responsibilities (billing and reimbursement implications), and healthcare delivery in the professional role are developed. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6103: Professional Leadership: Health Policy and Global Community (3) Offerings |
Prerequisites: NUR 6102. Promotes integration of 6101 and 6102 concepts. Development of professional role responsibilities, cultural competency, and sociopolitical interactions through healthcare within global communities. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6209: Parameters of Health and Health Promotion (3) Offerings |
Analyzes primary prevention (health promotion and protection), secondary prevention, and community measures for assessing, monitoring, and implementing change for the health of communities. Examines epidemiological and selected evidenced based methods of assessing health outcomes for global populations. Considers health promotion factors that influence change at the individual and community level for application to clinical practice. Assesses current issues influencing health as well as health care system readiness and responses to natural and man-made disasters. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences Majors only. Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6211: Advanced Health Assessment I (2) Offerings |
Comprehensive assessment skills (physical, mental and spiritual exam (with assessment of disgnostics, comprehensive history, differential diagnoses, evidence with practice to develop specialty competencies; includes practice labs and guided clincal practice for demonstration of required competencies. Extra fee. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6212: Advanced Health Assessment II (3) Offerings |
Continues application of concepts begun in NUR 6211 to expand clinical decision making, evidence based judgment, and use of differential diagnoses to plan treatment common to specialty area of practice. Demonstration of clinical documentation, in depth history and physical examination, diagnostic tools, and treatment plan is required. Advancing skills in the interpretation and use of common diagnostic tests/screenings needed to plan and implement care within specialty pathway. Extra fee. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6260: Legal and Entrepreneurial Issues (3) Offerings |
Explores nursing practice roles and reponsibilities in health care delivery and in shaping health policy. Examines trends in expanded roles and entrepreneurship pertinent to specialty practice. Identifies fiscal management, sociopolitical influences on health care, and analyzes potential risks and legal issues as they relate to personal and professional roles and health care delivery systems. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6301: Values, Faith and Ethics (3) Offerings |
Examines ethical theories and decision making in the context of nursing, nursing leadership and the health care environment. Explores the relationship between moral, faith, values development, and spirituality. Integrates a Biblical understanding of ethics and values. Provides opportunity for personal and professional synthesis. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6700: Issues in Global Health (3) Offerings |
This seminar course provides in-depth study of current issues in global health care as well as methods for addressing global inequities in health. Specific topics include: the inter-relationships between health, poverty, and violence; development and foreign aid; forces of health disparities, and ethics, human rights and Christianity. Graduate students will be required to develop a Program Evaluation Plan that evaluates an existing program to address health inequities in a developing country. |
NUR 6900: Independent Study (1-5) Offerings |
Emphasizes individual study of nursing, health care or issues related to these major concepts planned within the scope and expertise of nursing faculty advisors. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6910: Advanced Practice Seminar I: Evidence Based and Therapeutic Reasoning (3) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6210, 6211, 6212, 6958, and 6951. Provides for study and case analysis of selected health conditions across the lifespan within professional role. Includes analysis of data for problem identification, therapeutics, and evaluation of acute and chronic problems with integration of previous knowledge. Focuses on advanced assessment, differential diagnosis, and treatment. Competency is gained in accurate and skillful presentation and ability to determine therepeutic options; focus varies depending on students' specialty pathway. Extra fee.
Restrictions:Nursing Majors only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6911: Advanced Practice Seminar II: Evidence Based and Therapeutic Management of Multi-System Health Condi (3) Offerings |
Continues to provide for study and case analysis of selected health conditions across the lifespan. Focuses on professional role and the ability to critically analyze situations in which several conditions are present, prioritize diagnosis and problems and select appropriate therapeutic interventions; moving from more simple to more complex health conditions. Focus varies depending on students' specialty pathway. Emphasizes the clinical context and systems of care for quality, reimbursement mechanisms, and supportive environments for care. Extra fee. |
Restrictions:Nursing Majors only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6912: Advanced Practice Seminar III: Evidence Based & Therapeutic Management of Complex Health Conditions (3) Offerings |
Provides for study and case analysis of selected health conditions. Focuses on history taking, physical assessment, problem identification, therapeutics, and evaluation of complex acute and chronic multi-system conditions. Integration of specialty practice and professional role-related to selected complex conditions are analyzed. Extra fee. |
Restrictions:Nursing Majors only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6921: Theoretical Foundations and Evidence in Nursing Practice (5) Offerings |
Integrates nursing theory and leadership principles to develop professional role within selected specialty pathway. Guided clinical practice is initiated with emphasis on quality improvement, resource and team management. Incorporates in-depth holistic approach to client centered care delivery. Lecture 40 hours, with additional internship hours. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6922: Application of Concepts in Nursing Practice (5) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6921. Continued development of nursing theory and leadership principles initiated in NUR 6921 to facilitate professional role development within selected specialty pathway. Guided clinical practice is continued with emphasis on expanding competencies to function in the specialty pathway. Incorporates in-depth holistic approach to client centered care delivery. Lecture 40 hours, with additional internship hours. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6923: Synthesis of Care in Nursing Practice (5) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6922. Progressive development of nursing theory and leadership principles initiated in NUR 6921 and NUR 6922 to establish professional role development within selected specialty pathway. Guided clinical practice is continued with emphasis on expanding competencies to function in the specialty pathway. Incorporates in-depth holistic approach to client centered care delivery and includes a personal plan for lifelong professional development. Lecture 40 hours, with additional internship hours. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6940: Primary Care Modalities and Advanced Practice Internship (1-4) Offerings |
Clinical theory and judgement skills begun in NUR 6910, 6911, and 6912 are expected to be demonstrated in the practice settings. Internship practice provides an opportunity for patient, care, peer review of patient care, and integration of evidenced based practice under supervision of an established advanced practitioner. A minimum of 167 hours distributed evenly across the quarter are required. More hours that are clinical may be assigned a student in order to attain skill competence. May be repeated for credit up to 12 credits. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6951: Advanced Clinical Pathophysiology (3) Offerings |
Investigates pathogenesis of human responses to stress and disease with analysis of selected clinical cases; comparing study findings with accepted health states; applying research based diagnostic methods; and remibursement coding of pathology utilized. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6955: Special Topics (1-5) Offerings |
Students will work on specialized areas of interest with faculty in advanced nursing coursework. May be repeated for credit up to 15 credits. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6958: Advanced Pharmacology (3) Offerings |
Prepares students with a foundation in pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics for specialty nursing practice.Focuses on pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, adverse drug reactions, drug interactions, drugs in special populations, prescription-writing and the pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics of selected drug groups. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6960: Course Development and Teaching Strategies (3) Offerings |
Provides nurse educators in both academic and service settings with knowledge and practical skills to become an effective educator. Includes philosophy of teaching/learning, learning styles, critical thinking, course development, teaching strategies, evaluation, documentation and integration of technology. Opportunity for developing and presenting a learning module is included. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6961: Nurse Educator Internship (3) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6962 or instructor permission. Provides nurse educators in both academic and service settings with practice teaching experience in classroom and clinical settings under supervision of a faculty preceptor/mentor. Includes application of content from NUR 6960 plus modules on coaching, documentation, clinical evaluation and management of learner issues. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6962: Role Development for Nurse Educators (3) Offerings |
Includes philosophy of nursing education, curriculum design, research, publishing, grant writing, interpersonal dynamics and team-work in academic and practice settings, functioning within institutional expectations, developing a teaching portfolio, legal issues, and future directions in nursing education. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6970: Research in Nursing: Methods and Application (3) Offerings |
Focuses on research strategies as utilized in nursing research. Discusses qualitative and quantitative designs and measurement strategies with accompanying statistical analyses. Begins Scholarly Clinical Project. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6971: Research Utilization in Advanced Nursing Practice (3) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6970. Focuses on the development of one's own nursing research, with an emphasis on clinical problems. Students' aggregates and clinical sites provide the context for research questions and methods. Explores issues related to evidence based practice. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6972: Research Completion (1) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6971. Provides guided assistance for students who are completing the Scholarly Clinical Project. |
Restrictions:Health Sciences only. Graduate only. |
NUR 6999: Thesis: Nursing (1-6) Offerings |
Prerequisite: NUR 6970. Requires a research thesis designed to study nursing, health care practices or the arena that fosters interactions between these components. May be repeated for credit up to 6 credits. |
Restrictions:Graduate only. |