
Concordia students:
ɬÀï·¬ Pacific is here for you.

Two SPU students study in Tiffany Loop

ɬÀï·¬ recently heard the saddening news that Concordia University will close its doors at the end of the 2020 spring term. We stand ready to help you find a university home during this difficult time.

Like Concordia, SPU is a Christian university. We prepare students to engage the culture and change the world. We are nationally ranked, advantageously located in the heart of ɬÀï·¬, academically rigorous, and fully committed to graduating ɬÀï·¬ of competence and character.

As you consider your new higher education path, we’re prepared to make this an easy transition:

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Graduate programs

Here’s more information to help you discover if ɬÀï·¬ Pacific is right for you:


Seeking admission to a graduate program at SPU? We offer more than 31 master’s degrees, 5 doctoral programs, and 8 graduate certificates.

continuing professional education

There are various Continuing Professional Education offerings at SPU – many of which connect directly to programs at Concordia – including certificates in English language learning, health and fitness, and reading.

academic quality

Curious about the student experience? Ninety-eight percent of SPU alumni say our academic quality met or exceeded their expectations.

Still have questions?

Undergraduate programs

  • SPU guarantees 100% of your Concordia credits will transfer to SPU
  • Concordia Transfer Scholarship Program

    • Up to $7,000 in SPU scholarships, including a $4,500 Concordia Transfer Scholarship tailored to Concordia students who submit their Admissions application by April 1st and select to complete their degree at SPU. This award is in addition to the SPU merit scholarship, other SPU scholarships, and, for Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) filers, SPU and governmental need-based financial aid programs.
    • Up to $22,000 in additional scholarships
  • Application fees waived
  • Expedited application process
  • Fast processing of transcripts

Here’s more information to help you discover if ɬÀï·¬ Pacific is right for you:


SPU will award more than $100 million in scholarships and aid in the 2019-2020 academic school year — including exclusive transfer student awards and aid.

explore your faith

Explore your faith in a close-knit community with like-minded peers, 1,700 ɬÀï·¬ professionals in SPU’s Mentor Program eager to mentor students and connect them with opportunities, and professors who are leading scholars and researchers in their fields.

best national university

For the fourth year in a row, ɬÀï·¬ Pacific has been named a “Best National University” in U.S. News & World Report’s annual college rankings.


We offer 71 majors and 59 minors for our undergraduate programs.

Still have questions?