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Sample Presentation Scoring: Student nameResponsive to assignmentOrganization/ structureContentDeliveryAudience interactionUse of MediaJoe433422Jane442222Jill534444 Presentation Rubric Very Poor (1)Poor (2)Fair(3)Good (4)Excellent (5)Subject Competence/ Responsive to assignment/ coherently express complex situationThe presentation revealed very poor subject competence; did not address the assignment.The presentation suggests limited competence and misunderstanding of key aspects of the assignment.The presentation is generally responsive to the assignment but did not adequately treat some important aspects of the topic.The presentation reflects subject competence; an adequate understanding of the assignment; evidences a good job of coherently expressing a complex situation.The presentation demonstrates high subject competence, a clear understanding of the assignment and evidences a very good, thorough job of a nuanced and coherent expression of a complex situation.Organization/ structurePresentation was extremely disjointed or substantially too long or too short. The presentation was characterized by some or all of the following: a boring introduction or one that was difficult to follow; the failure to effectively manage transitions leaving the audience confused about the point being made or the connection between points; and the lack of a summary and the failure to reinforce major points at the conclusion of the presentation.Presentation was well-organized and completed without rushing within the allotted time frame. It began with an effective introduction that forecasted the main ideas and captivated the audience's interest by giving them an important reason to listen. The presentation effectively used transitions, including internal summaries, to signal progress and concluded on a high note, reinforcing major points and summarizing key actions. ngd sforcing o signal progress.cterized by the following: main ideas. to get a little better sense of the class that by each pCompleteness/well developed The presentation failed to substantiate the thesis or recommendations. Individual points or arguments were poorly identified or difficult to follow. The arguments made did not logically support the conclusions reached. Points were frequently asserted without support by reference to examples, facts or data or examples, etc. Major points were relevant, clear and easy to follow; the arguments advanced fully supported the thesis or recommendations. The presentation was logically developed, very convincing and used appropriate supporting examples and/or data for each point.DeliveryPresenter relied heavily on notes and the presentation was obviously not well rehearsed. It was rendered in a stilted style that tended to distance rather than engage the audience. The presenter seemed unsure of the material, excessively nervous, bored or simply going through the motions. He or she failed to make eye contact with the audience, failed to use appropriate gestures or used awkward mannerisms. The presenter was inappropriately attired (e.g. baseball cap) or otherwise slovenly in appearance Presenter used a conversational style and did not over-rely on notes. He or she did not use verbal fillers (e.g. like, uh). The presenter projected a high level of confidence and a controlled enthusiasm for the subject through the tone of voice, posture, and facial expressions. He or she successfully engaged the audience through eye contact, body language, and appropriate gestures. Presenter was appropriately attired and throughout the entire presentation maintained a highly professional demeanor.Audience interactionPresenter solicited but was unable to secure questions; failed to accurately understand questions being posed; responded defensively or insensitively; or failed to appropriately support the presentation's conclusions when challenged.Presenter effectively stimulated discussion with audience and handled questions and challenges thoughtfully, candidly and assertively. Use of MediaPresentation failed to use media when it would have made the presentation more clear and persuasive or used media so ineffectively that it became a significant distraction from the content of the presentationPresenter made highly effective use of media to enhance comprehension and retention of the message (where appropriate).      Adopted September 2005; Revised Winter 2007 0DJceinw{   C D N U V ^ _ s t hph^$5hphp5 hA&5hhA&5 h>* hhhphA& hhA& hA&>*L/0ces|    6 D N V _ t $$Ifa$gdA&^gdgdA&] % $IfgdA&kd$$Ifl֞4 f $//  t0644 la ssssss $$Ifa$gdA& $IfgdA&wkd$$Ifl$x3  t 0644 lap  % $IfgdA&kd-$$Ifl֞4 f $//  t0644 la $$Ifa$gdA& # $IfgdA&kd$$Ifl֞4 f $//  t0644 la $$Ifa$gdA& %#kd$$Ifl֞4 f $//  t0644 la  $$Ifa$gd] $Ifgd]$a$gdp     Z k t y   ÷o^o^ooVhpCJaJ hphB*CJ\aJph hphGlB*CJ\aJphhphpCJaJhphCJaJhphCJaJhph;T=CJaJhphGlCJaJhphGl5CJaJhph5CJaJhph5CJaJhph;T=5CJaJh_Mh+/5h_Mh5h_MhV5   Z 5//$Ifkd$$Ifl4ֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_MZ  1 $IfgdGl$If $7$8$H$Ifgdn8 O h  !ijsstuv46FK[\]^`a˚hjhUh^$hph5CJS*aJhph;T=5CJaJhphGl<CJaJhphpCJaJhphGl5CJaJh`CJaJhph;T=CJaJhphGlCJaJhphCJaJ6 711$IfkdB$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_M $7$8$H$Ifgdp$If $7$8$H$Ifgdn8 !7.. $Ifgd$kd$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_M!jklmi $7$8$H$Ifgd` $Ifgd$ $7$8$H$Ifgd$ijsst71(1 $IfgdA&$Ifkd$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_Mtuvu $7$8$H$Ifgdp$Ifuvuvw71111$IfkdU$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_Mwx(kd$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_M $Ifgd`Z$IfZ[ $7$8$H$Ifgd`Z $7$8$H$IfgdA&$If[\]_`bc755555kd$$IflֈQ }W' : t01,44 la8yt_Macdfgih^$h.h`h.CJaJjhUh cefhi0^0gd_M6&P1h:p./ =!"#$h% $$If!vh5555555E#v#v#v#v#v#v#vE:Vl t6555/5 55f$$If!vh5h%#vh%:Vl  t 65x3p $$If!vh5555555E#v#v#v#v#v#v#vE:Vl t6555/5 55$$If!vh5555555E#v#v#v#v#v#v#vE:Vl t6555/5 55$$If!vh5555555E#v#v#v#v#v#v#vE:Vl t6555/5 55$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl4 t1,55 55:5 / a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M$$If8!vh55 555:5 #v#v #v#v:#v :Vl t1,55 55:5 a8yt_M@@@ NormalCJ_HaJmH sH tH DAD Default Paragraph FontRi@R  Table Normal4 l4a (k(No Listj@j ^$ Table Grid7:V04@4 =zHeader  !4 @4 =zFooter  !R/0ces|6DNV_tZ1  ! j k l m i j s stuvuvuvwxZ[\]_`bcefhi000000000000000 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 0 0 0 0 0 @0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0h00h00h00h00@0h00@0h00@0h00|6NZ1 j k l m i stuvuvwxZ[{00F {00E{00C{004{00{004|{004<|{00{004R{004R{009 S{008{006{00{004{00{00y00 y00j00j001y000 {00/ {00- y00*{00{00{00  @0 {00 {00 {00 {0 0 @0{0 0{0 0{00{00 {00 {00 {00 {00 {0"0 {0%0&*|{0%0 {0%0 {00{0#0$*|{0+0 {0-0.|{0-0 {0-0 @0{0,0 0b 999< a'  Z !ituw[c !"#$%&(8@0(  B S  ?"Internal Data Integrity (Type 4) 1]]__``bcefhi]]__``bcefhi3s j s v]]__``bcefhi]]__``bcefhi] p^$+/n8;T==cBJ_MgY`Z[Gl=zg(.vVA&$`6NV_tZ1  ! j k l m i j s stuvuvuvwx[\dgnword-docGUIDdgnword-eventsink&{78573EF1-0F7C-4CE4-8B78-0CB0993C8283}61167008@Pe@ @{@@UnknownG: Times New Roman5Symbol3& : Arial"1hĪ&Ȫ& z #z #!4dTT2QXZ ?^$ SPU UsergkarnsOh+'0l  ( 4 @LT\d  SPU UserNormalgkarns3Microsoft Office Word@d@hahқ@nқz՜.+,0 hp  ɬ﷬# T  Title  !"#$%&'()+,-./013456789:;<=>?@ABCDEGHIJKLMOPQRSTUXRoot Entry FPϒӛZData *1Table2 &WordDocument8RSummaryInformation(FDocumentSummaryInformation8NCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89qRoot Entry F`h+_Data *1Table2 &WordDocument8R  !"#$%&'()+,-./013456789:;<=>?@ABCDEGHIJKLM^SummaryInformation(FDocumentSummaryInformation8xCompObjq  FMicrosoft Office Word Document MSWordDocWord.Document.89q՜.+,D՜.+,D hp  ɬ﷬# T  Title4 $,