ࡱ> LNK{` 1bjbjFF 7@,,1 $$HHHHHHHH(******$_h!NHHNHHcHHv(H< 0"y0w"w"w"$HL NNt$$$ $$$$$$ SBE Critical Thinking Rubric Sample Scoring Sheet Each category to be scored on the following scale: 1 Poor 2 Developing 3 Marginal 4 Good 5 Excellent The following sheets provide details to assist in developing consistent scoring among all faculty. No attempt has been made to link these scores to grades and such linkage would likely be customized by each professor taking into account the areas of emphasis in his or her course and the developmental stage of the students in the class. Sample Critical Thinking Scoring: Student nameIdentification of problem or opportunityAnalysisIdentifying alternativesSelecting optimal alternativeAppropriate use of technologyIssues of implementationJoe433422Jane442222Jill534444 Poor (1)Developing (2)Marginal (3)Good (4)Excellent (5)Identification of problem or opportunityNo problem statementList of only obvious symptomsRoot problem/opportunity clearly identifiedAnalysisInsufficient information acquired; failure to separate irrelevant factors from relevant factors, uncritical use of information; relevant information ignoredSufficient information acquired from an appropriate range of sources; Critical assessment of all relevant informationIdentifying alternativesUncreative and insufficient range of options considered; key decision options not evaluatedCreative range of options identified; careful examination of pros, Collins and related implicationsSelecting optimal alternativeFails to make a recommendationSelects only a low feasibility alternativeAppropriately selects a highly viable and ethical solutionAppropriate use of technologyFails to use technology to enhance identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and selection of preferred optionMakes effective use of technology to enhance identification of alternatives, evaluation of alternatives and selection of preferred optionIssues of implementationFails to note expected outcomes; lacks planning for implementation; fails to address issues of change management, fails to address and assess risks associated with uncertainties Identifies outcomes which are not reasonably justified; contains at best a rudimentary plan for implementation; fails to adequately address change management issues in that it is insensitive to individuals involvedIdentifies outcomes that are realistic to anticipate; contains a well developed and viable plan of implementation that adequately address is the risks associated with uncertainties. Implementation plan is sensitive to ɬ﷬ issues. 5IOhj     , T U ] ^ v w       h@hJ,5CJaJhJ,hJ,5CJaJ hDj;5hhDj;5 hhDj;hDj; hhDj; hDj;>*J45hjs   , U ^ w $$Ifa$gdH^gdDj;gdDj;1 % $IfgdHkd$$Ifl֞ 55%+ 3//  t0644 la ssssss $$Ifa$gdH $IfgdHwkd$$Ifl 3x3  t 0644 lap  % $IfgdHkd-$$Ifl֞ 55%+ 3//  t0644 la $$Ifa$gdH # $IfgdHkd$$Ifl֞ 55%+ 3//  t0644 la   $$Ifa$gdH    % gdDj;kd$$Ifl֞ 55%+ 3//  t0644 la   - 6 D $$Ifa$gdH $IfgdH    ( , 1 5 ? 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