ࡱ> Y[Xg 0bjbj^^ Bi< j< j( 11111EEE8}|dEM ]]]]]8883"$18888811]] 8j1]1]8]~ 0M i%ri%i%18888888*888M 8888i%888888888 Y : 2024 VITA KEVIN LEON NEUHOUSER Department of Sociology ɬ﷬ Education: Ph.D., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1990. Sociology M.A., Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, 1986. Sociology. B.A., Taylor University, Upland, Indiana, 1980. Political Science/Sociology. Employment Experience: 2002- Professor of Sociology, Department of Sociology, ɬ﷬ 1996- Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, ɬ﷬. 1990-1996. Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Washington, ɬ﷬ 1980-83. Community Development - Housing Reconstruction Project Coordinator, Mennonite Central Committee, Recife, Brazil. Teaching : Intro to Sociology Globalization (UScholars) Gender in the Global Context Cross-cultural Encounters (UScholars) Social Change in Latin America General Anthropology Race & Ethnicity Cultural Anthropology Sociology of Hunger Community Development Sociology Capstone Social Movements Publications: Book Modern Brazil. 1999. McGraw-Hill. Publications: Book Chapter I am the Man and the Woman in this House: Brazilian Jeito and the Strategic Framing of Motherhood in a Poor, Urban Community. In Identity Work: Negotiating Sameness and Difference in Activist Environments edited by Jo Reger, Daniel J. Myers, and Rachel L. Einwohner. University of Minnesota Press: Minneapolis, 2008. Publications: Articles "Strict but Not (Gender) Conservative: Refining the Strict Church Thesis in Light of Brazilian Pentecostalism." Interdisciplinary Journal of Research on Religion. 2017, 13 (article 8). McKinney, Jennifer, and Kevin Neuhouser. "Divided by Gender: How Sociology Can Help." Cultural Encounters: A Journal for the Theology of Culture 2013, 9(1): 38-55. "'If I Had Abandoned My Children:' Mobilization and Commitment to the Identity of Mother." Social Forces. 1998, 77(1):331-58. "Transitions to Democracy: Unpredictable Elite Negotiation or Predictable Failure to Achieve Class Compromise?" Sociological Perspectives. 1997, 41(1):67-93. "Limits on Authoritarian Imposition of Policy: Failed Ecuadoran Military Populism in Comparative Perspective." Comparative Political Studies. 1996, 29(6):635-659. "'Worse Than Men:' Gendered Mobilization in an Urban Brazilian Squatter Settlement, 1971-1991." Gender and Society. 1995, 9(1):38-59. "Foundations of Class Compromise: A Theoretical Basis For Understanding Diverse Patterns of Regime Outcomes." Sociological Theory. 1993, 11(1):96- 116. "Democratic Stability in Venezuela: Elite Consensus or Class Compromise?" American Sociological Review. 1992, 57(1):117-135. "The Radicalization of the Brazilian Catholic Church in Comparative Perspective." American Sociological Review. 1989, 54(2):233-244. "Sources of Women's Power and Status among the Urban Poor In Contemporary Brazil." Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. 1989, 14(3):685-702. Publications: Book Reviews: From Movements to Parties in Latin America by Donna Lee Van Cott. Mobilization 2006 11(2). Change Across Cultures: A Narrative Approach to Social Transformation by Bruce Bradshaw. Christian Scholars Review 2004, XXXIII(3):409-12. Restructuring Patriarchy: The Modernization of Gender Inequality in Brazil, 1914-1940 by Susan K. Besse and Literacy for Citizenship: Gender and Grassroots Dynamics in Brazil by Nelly P. Stromquist. Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 2000, 25(2). The Reformation of Machismo: Evangelical Conversion and Gender in Colombia by Elizabeth E. Brusco. American Journal of Sociology 1996, 101(4):1478-80. Popular Organization and Democracy in Rio de Janeiro: A Tale of Two Favelas by Robert Gay. Social Forces 73(2):1158. Manufacturing Militance: Workers' Movements in Brazil and South Africa, 1970- 1985 by Gay W. Seidman. American Journal of Sociology 1995, 100(4). Samba in the Night: Spiritism in Brazil by David J. Hess. Contemporary Sociology 1995, 24(2):175-76. The Church, Society, and Hegemony: A Critical Sociology of Religion in Latin America by Carlos Alberto Torres. Contemporary Sociology 1994 23(3). Popular Voices in Latin American Catholicism by Daniel H. Levine. American Journal of Sociology 1993, 99(2). Base Christian Communities and Social Change in Brazil by W.E. Hewitt and Tongues of Fire: The Explosion of Protestantism in Latin America by David Martin. Contemporary Sociology 1992, 21(5). The Social Origins of Democratic Collapse: The First Portuguese Republic in the Global Economy by Kathleen C. Schwartzman. American Journal of Sociology 1990, 96(3). Publications: Other At SPU, A Struggle Between Competing Visions of Christianity. ɬ﷬ Times August 21, 2022. Mennonite Central Committee Mozambique Program Evaluation. 2018. Mennonite Central Committee - Brazil Program Evaluation. 2004. Analysis and write-up of the data from the faculty development survey conducted by the Task Force on Spiritual Wisdom 1999-2000. Women in the Material World. 1996. Consultant for chapter on Brazil. Mennonite Central Committee-Brazil Program Evaluation. 1995. "Violence in Brazil" and "Roots of Violence in Brazil" appeared in various Mennonite publications autumn 1993. Honors and Fellowships: Faculty P.R.I.D.E. Award. 2022. SPU Senior Faculty Servant Award 2021- selected by SPU Faculty Council "Top Professor 2017" selected by the Ivy Honorary Mortor Board at ɬ﷬ Pacific University Faculty Member of the Year 2011 - selected by the Associated Students of ɬ﷬ Pacific University (ASSP) Outstanding Womens Studies Faculty Award 2008 Weter Faculty Award Lecture 2002 In a Global World, Who is My Neighbor? SPUs Men A-League Intramural Basketball Champions 2000, 2001 "Outstanding Professor 1993." University of Washington Sociology Alumni Association. Selected to participate in the University of Washington "Curriculum Transformation Project." Nominated (Oct. 1991) for Fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, California. "Best Recent Article, 1989." Awarded by the Comparative Historical Section of the American Sociological Association for the article "The Radicalization of the Brazilian Catholic Church in Comparative Perspective." John H. Edwards Fellowship, Indiana University system-wide competitive award, 1989-90. Grants: 1996 "Gender Identities and Differential Participation in Community Mobilization in a Brazilian Urban Squatter Settlement." Faculty Research Grant. ɬ﷬. 1994 University of Washington Mentor Program Grant. 1993. "Community Mobilization Among the Urban Poor: Favela Caranguejo, Recife, Brazil." Graduate Research Fund. University of Washington. 1991. "Community History Through Oral History." Latin American Studies Summer Research Grant, University of Washington. Presentations: Weter Faculty Award Lecture 2002 In a Global World, Who is My Neighbor? "'I Wouldn't Trade My Dress for Many of the Men I see': Interests, Identities, and Gender Differentiated Collective Action." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, August 1994. "Gendered Mobilization: Five Events in an Urban Brazilian Squatter Settlement, 1965-1991." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Miami, August 1993. "Accumulation and Consumption: A Theoretical Basis for Understanding Diverse Patterns of Regime Outcomes." American Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, August 1991. "Democratic Stability in Venezuela: Elite Consensus or Class Compromise." Pacific Sociological Association Annual Meeting, Irvine CA, April 1991. Organizer: Pacific Sociological Association Program Committee 2002 "Political Sociology: Agendas, Policies, and Corporate Control" and "Political Sociology: Revolutionary Change?" for the Pacific Sociological Association Meeting, San Diego 1994. Reviewer: American Journal of Sociology. American Sociological Review. Annual Review of Sociology. Demography. Journal of Applied Sociology. International Sociology National Science Foundation. SIGNS: Journal of Women and Culture Social Forces. Sociological Theory Christian Scholars Review The Sociological Quarterly Professional Organizations: American Sociological Association. Member of Comparative Historical and Political Sociology Sections. Pacific Sociological Association. Community Service: Support Committeee Mennonite Voluntary Service House 2014-16 Volunteer - Emergency Feeding Program Assistant Coach Lake City Soccer Cherry Street Association Program Evaluation for MCC-Brazil Program Evaluation for MCC- Mozambique Chair, Leadership Council, Evergreen Mennonite Church 2006-08 Secretary, Leadership Council, Evergreen Mennonite Church 2023- Co-lead Adult Sunday School Class 2008-2020 SPU Service: Faculty Chair 2024-25 Faculty Chair-Elect 2023-24 Faculty Council 2018-2020 Advisory Council for Diversity & Reconciliation 2018-19 Faculty Status Committee 2012-14 Faculty Council 2010-12 Haven Faculty Advisor 2007-11 Global Education Task Force 2008-09 Chair, Department of Sociology 2003 present Faculty Status Committee 2005-06 UPEC 2001- Spring 2004 Scholarship of Wisdom Task Force 1999-2000 Faculty Affairs - Spring 1998 Spring 2000 UCOR Planning Committee 1998-1999 UPEC Autumn. 1997 (one quarter replacement) Cadres four quarters SPRINT 1998 Brazil Team (hosted by Mennonite Central Committee) 2000 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2003 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2005 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2007 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2009 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2011 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2013 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2015 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course 2017 Brazil Team Service-Learning Course      !:VW`bd> ? 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