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HYPERLINK "http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2017/2017-05-07.html" http://bmcr.brynmawr.edu/2017/2017-05-07.html (refereed) Imperial Roman Cities as Places of Memory in Augustines Confessions. Urban Dreams and Realities. Ed. Adam Kemezis. Brill, 2014. 273-93. (refereed) Word Play: Vocation. (with Kenman Wong) Response Fall 2012. (invited) Beauty and Beholders (with Ursula Krentz). Essays in Philosophy 13.2 (2012): 436-452.  HYPERLINK "http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1431&context=eip" http://commons.pacificu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1431&context=eip or  HYPERLINK "http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/1526-0569.1431" http://dx.doi.org/10.7710/1526-0569.1431. (refereed) Word Play: Educate. Response Spring 2012:  HYPERLINK "http://www.spu.edu/depts/uc/response/new/2012-spring/wordplay/index.asp" http://www.spu.edu/depts/uc/response/new/2012-spring/wordplay/index.asp. (invited) Glimpsing the Light. Christianity & Literature 61.1 (2011): 100 (creative translation, refereed) Latin Diagnoses of New Fungal Species: A Guide for the Perplexed. North American Fungi 4.2 (2009): 1-9,  HYPERLINK "http://pnwfungi.org" http://pnwfungi.org) (invited) (with Jack Levison) Josephus and the Burial of Women at Public Expense. Athenaeum 93.2 (2005): 635-45. (refereed) Review of Pisani Sartorio et al., The Appian Way: From its Foundation to the Middle Ages, Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2005.04.15 ( HYPERLINK "http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2005-04-15.html" http://ccat.sas.upenn.edu/bmcr/2005-04-15.html) (refereed) Papers Presented since 2001 Eclipses in the Classical World: Prediction and Fear. Presented March 25th, 2017 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest, Portland, OR. Popular Music and Classics Presented February 7th, 2017 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Using Primary Documents in Non-History Undergraduate and Graduate Classes: Three Models. Co-Presenters: Adrienne Meyer, Andrew Ryder, and Rick Steele. Presented March 18th, 2016 at the Teaching with Primary Sources Symposium, ɬ﷬. Science Fiction, Fantasy, and the Ancient World. Presented February 9th, 2016 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Asking and Answering. Presented March 21st, 2015 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest. Reed College, Portland OR. Beyond the Ivory Wall: Classics and India. presented February 12th, 2015 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture. Out of the Pietist Labyrinth: Susanna Sprgels Latin Verse. presented January 10th, 2015 at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Classical Studies (formerly the American Philological Association), New Orleans, LA. Latin Poetry by Women. Presented February 4th, 2014 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Inspired by Nymphs. Presented March 16th, 2013 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest, Eugene, OR. Reading the Persian Empire. Presented February 5th, 2013 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. No one wrote more truly: Truth in Florus. Presented January 5th, 2013 at the Annual Meeting of the American Philological Association, ɬ﷬, WA. Philip Pullman and the Structures of Belief. Presented May 24th, 2012 at the Conference on Christianity and Literature: Belief and Unbelief in Postmodern Literature, ɬ﷬ WA. Defining Beauty A Reassessment of the Hippias Major. Presented March 10th, 2012 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific NW, Salem, OR. Real Beauty: Platos Hippias Minor. Presented February 7th, 2012 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Imperial Roman Cities as Places of Memory in Augustines Confessions. Presented October 21st , 2011 at the Urban Dreams and Realities Conference at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada. Augustines Spiritual Journey. presented February 15th, 2011 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Urban Spaces in Augustines Confessions. presented March 21st, 2010 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest, ɬ﷬, WA. Why Vergil Matters. Presented February 23rd, 2010 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Ampelius: A Reassessment. Presented April 4th, 2009 at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of the Pacific NW, Portland, OR. Love and Music: the Myth of Orpheus. Presented February 24th, 2009 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. What Are You Laughing At?: Humor in the Ancient World. Presented February 14th, 2008 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Keep it Short: Writing and Teaching History in the Roman Empire. Presented February 15th, 2007 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh: Ancient Rome and the Middle East. Presented February 16th, 2006 as the C. May Marston Annual Lecture, ɬ﷬. Grants Received: Center for Biblical and Theological Education Grant for retooling Elementary Koine Greek to include an exegesis paper, Summer 2013 ~ $1000 Institute for Academic Innovation Grant for creating a Greek Placement Test and reworking the Latin Placement Test, Summer 2017 ~ $1000 Student Research: Honors Projects: Andrew Knapp, Corrie McDaniel, Perry McConnell, Pierce Wade, Rachel Woodbrook, Nathan Toliver, Susan Bilynskyj, Nicholas Jacobson, Avery Matro, Brent Miles (3rd reader), Alex McCrum, Alina Sayre, Ben Lockyear, Dylan Vernon, Sarah Welch, Cynthia Eby, Zech Morrison, Natalie Frissell Other Projects: Sarah Lyne (presented at European Studies Symposium), Anna Dewine (presented at ESS), Amanda Becker (presented at ESS), Matt Versdahl (presented at CAPN), Alley Jordan (presented at Oregon Undergraduate Conference in Classics at Willamette University) Teaching: (Fall 2001-present): Ancient History: CLA/HIST 3100: Ancient Civilizations, CLA/HIST 3170: Classical Civilizations. Western Culture: EUR 1110, Heritage of Europe; EUR 3100: Foundations of European Art; LCL (formerly EUR) 3287: Mythology in Literature; UCOR 1000: the Arts & Christian Community Ancient Literature in Translation: CLA 1300: Survey of Classical Literature; CLA 3104: Greek Lit.; CLA 3204: Latin Lit.; USCH 1111: Classics (formerly Texts & Contexts I) Writing: WRI 1100: Disciplinary Writing (Classics) Greek Language: GRK 1101-1103, 4930 Latin Language: LAT 1101-1103, 4930 Sanskrit Language: CLA 4920 (one quarter only) Literature in Original Languages: LAT 2204, 4920, GRK 4920 Initiation/Intro to College: USEM 1000 (Slavery); UCOL 1000 (Vesuvius) University Service: Faculty Development Committee, Fall 2016-present; FDC Student Feedback Form Subcommittee, Fall 2016-present; Talkback for TRE Departments production of Sarah Ruhls Eurydice, 11/18/16; helped develop Teaching Standards for the LCL Department; helped compile Disability Substitution Courses for the LCL Department; Faculty Council, sabbatical replacement for Mark Walhout as CAS Humanities representative, Winter and Spring 2016; Faculty Advisor, Link student club, 2013-present, Assessment Committee, Fall 2012-Spring 2013, Writing Task Force, Fall 2012-Spring 2013, Undergraduate Policies and Evaluation Committee, Fall 2010-Spring 2012; Department Chair, Languages, Cultures, and Linguistics, Fall 2007-Spring 2013, Board of Student Media: faculty representative, Fall 2002-Spring 2007, Faculty Mentor for Daniel Schofields Third Year Review (2012), Faculty Advisor to student club Link (2013-present), Club Advisor of the Year 2015. Church/Community Service: Assistant Leader of Youth Group, Christ Episcopal Church (2016-present), Convenor, Spiritual Quest II book group (2012-present); Layreader (2014-2015), profile committee for rector search (2012); sponsor for person being received from another communion (2013), discernment committee for the diaconate (2015); in past years, I have taught Sunday School, spoken at Adult Education, served on the Vestry, and participated in work parties.  8m = sk`kRkh9*8h2w6CJ]aJh6h2wCJaJh2wCJaJhq]h]m5CJaJhq]hqv(5CJaJhhCJ\aJhCJ\aJh5CJaJhq]h)P5CJaJhq]h)PCJaJhq]h]mCJaJhq]hy7CJaJh{ CJaJhq]hACJaJhq]hqv(6CJaJhq]hqv(CJaJ m = % & F7$8$H$gd2M & F7$8$H$gd2w07$8$H$^`0gd07$8$H$^`0gd)P 7$8$H$gdy7 7$8$H$gdqv( $7$8$H$a$gdqv( % 8 g j D O S m  𽥽𚏁vk]kUkJhq]h!CJaJh)CJaJhq]hq]6CJ]aJhq]hq]CJaJhq]h4CJaJh Nh46CJ]aJh Nh4CJaJh Nh2MCJaJh!h2M0JCJaJh *h2MCJaJjh2MCJUaJh2M6CJ]aJh Nh2M6CJ]aJhqh2M6CJ]aJh2MCJaJh NCJaJ \7K6 & F7$8$H$gdb'( & F7$8$H$gd2M 7$8$H$gd) 7$8$H$gdqv( & F7$8$H$gds4 & F7$8$H$gd: & F7$8$H$gd! & F7$8$H$gdq] & F7$8$H$gd4  1 2 I J %&NOQ\]u}*+-67ʽzlz]z]P]zzhq]hX80JCJaJjhq]hX8CJUaJhq]hX86CJ]aJhq]hX8CJaJhq]h!CJaJhq]hq]0JCJ_HOaJhq]hq]CJ_HOaJ!jhq]hq]CJU_HOaJhq]hq]0JCJaJjhq]hq]CJUaJhq]hq]6CJ]aJhq]h!6CJ]aJhq]hq]CJaJ7Ohz{ *+>?@JK5~sgss\N\Nhq]h{6CJ]aJhq]h{CJaJhq]h:6CJaJhq]h:CJaJhq]h0JCJaJjhq]hCJUaJhq]h#zCJaJhq]hIe6CJ]aJhq]hCJaJhq]hIeCJaJh,RCJaJhq]h2CJaJhq]hX8CJaJhq]h&V6CJ]aJhq]h&VCJaJ5AB~%'xmeeYeNeCh[Ahb'(CJaJh{ h{ CJaJh{ h{ CJH*aJh{ CJaJh2Mh2MCJaJh{h2MCJH*aJh2MCJaJh)h!5CJaJhq]hs4 5CJaJhq]hZ5CJaJhq]hqv(5CJaJhq]hqv(CJaJhq]h{0JCJaJ#jhq]h{CJUaJjhq]h{CJUaJhq]h{CJaJ67Lpx{}~(*  )Kٽѽѽse]sh)CJaJhq]h!6CJ]aJhq]h!CJH*aJhq]h!CJaJh)h)CJH*aJh)CJaJh:h:CJaJh:h:CJH*aJh:CJaJhCJaJhNhNCJH*aJhNCJaJh, CJaJhb'(CJaJh[Ahb'(CJH*aJh[Ahb'(CJaJ#UKmp: !! 7$8$H$gd]m 7$8$H$gdqv( & F7$8$H$gd & F7$8$H$gd)P & F7$8$H$gd! 8:KSm  lmtѷѬ}q}}ѷ}ffZfhq]hCJH*aJhq]hCJaJhq]hrhCJH*aJhq]h5k$CJaJhq]hrhCJaJhq]h. 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