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Natural Philosophy and Biblical Authority in the Seventeenth Century, in The Enduring Authority of the Christian Scriptures, Donald A. Carson, editor (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2016), pp. 115-136. Science and the Empire State: Review of DeWitt Clinton and Amos Eaton: Geology and Power in Early New York. By David I. Spanagel (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014.), for Endeavour (25 March 2015; vol. 39, No. 1), pp. 1-2. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160932715200658. Hitchcock, Edward in Hugh Slotten, editor-in-chief, The Oxford Encyclopedia of the History of American Science, Medicine, and Technology (New York: Oxford University Press, 2014), vol. I, pp. 526-527. Review of David R. Montgomery, The Rocks Dont Lie: A Geologist Investigates Noahs Flood (New York, W.W. Norton, 2012) in for Focus on Science Series in Books and Culture (Carol Stream, IL; February, 2013).  HYPERLINK "http://www.booksandculture.com/articles/webexclusives/2013/february/rocks-dont-lie-part-2.html" http://www.booksandculture.com/articles/webexclusives/2013/february/rocks-dont-lie-part-2.html. Newton on Absolute Space, Faith and Learning Integration Channel (FLIC). (Washington, DC: Council on Christian Colleges and Universities) Videographed 2/28/2012; live 11/16/2012. ( HYPERLINK "http://www.cccu.org/professional_development/flic/2012/Newton-and-Absolute-Space" http://www.cccu.org/professional_development/flic/2012/Newton-and-Absolute-Space.) Darwin, Charles (1809-82) and Kepler, Johannes (1571-1630) in Heidi A. Campbell and Heather Looy, editors, A Science and Religion Primer (Grand Rapids: Baker Academic, 2009). "The Genesis Flood," in The History of Science and Religion in the Western Tradition: An Encyclopedia (New York: Garland Publishing, 2000), pp. 397-400. "Scriptural Geology in America," in Evangelicals and Science in Historical Perspective (New York: Oxford University Press, 1999), pp. 177-192. Review of Walter H. Conser, Jr., God and the Natural World (1993) in Isis, 1995, 86:340. Review of Alan Dundes, The Flood Myth (1988) and L. R. Bailey, Noah: The Person and the Story (1989), in Isis, 1991, 82:549-550. Formal Papers Presented: Edward Hitchcock and Nineteenth-Century American Geology, Seminar Presentation, Templeton Oxford Seminar on Science and Christianity, Oxford, U.K., July 21, 2005. The Genesis Flood in Pre-Darwinian American Geology: the Case of Edward Hitchcock, The Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, ɬ﷬, November 3, 2003. Historical Studies in Science and Religion: The Thesis of Robert K. Merton Seminar Presentation, Templeton Oxford Seminar on Science and Christianity, Oxford, U.K., July 25, 2003. Edward Hitchcock and Nineteenth-Century American Geology, University of Washington History of Science Colloquium, May 19, 2003. "Scriptural Geology in America," Institute for the Study of American Evangelicals Conference on Evangelicals and Science, Wheaton College (IL), March, 1995. "The Four Floods of Edward Hitchcock, History of Science Department Colloquium, University of Wisconsin-Madison, March, 1991. "The Noachian Deluge in Nineteenth-Century Geology and Theology," History of Science Society Annual Meeting, Cincinnati, December, 1988; revised and presented to the Faculty Dinner Seminar, University of Wisconsin-Madison, April, 1989. Courses Taught (ɬ﷬, 2001- present: Origins of Western Science (History 2491): a survey of natural philosophy and physical theory with an emphasis on astronomy and cosmology from ancient times to the work of Isaac Newton. Foundations of Modern Science (History 2492): a survey of methodology, philosophy, technology, and the modern biological and physical sciences, from the era of Newton to the age of Einstein. Scientific Revolution and Religious Reformation in Europe, 1500-1700 (History 3405/Theology 3305): a study of themes of interaction between these two great contemporaneous movements. Darwin, Einstein, and the Reinterpretation of Nature, 1830-1930 (History 3496): a reading and historical context course centering on the primary texts On the Origin of Species [1859] and Relativity: The Special and the General Theory [1916]. Evolution and American Society (History 4495/4899): Senior topical seminar (Capstone). Historical examination of cultural response to Darwinism; focus on 20th Century. Galileo: Science, Faith, and The Church (History 4495/4899): Senior topical seminar (Capstone). Historical examination of the Galileo affair; with focus on the episode in context, historiography, and application for 21sth Century. The Wings of History (USEM 1000): An introduction to ɬ﷬ and the discipline of history via the theme of human flight. The West and The World (UCOR 2000): A survey of the global interaction of the European West since 1500. Belief, Morality, and the Modern Mind (UCOR 3000): An issues-oriented course on epistemology, faith-reason tension, history/philosophy of science, philosophy of religion, ethics. Faith and Science I (USCH 3910): In-depth exploration of science and faith issues from ancient times to the Copernican revolution to the modern era of quantum mechanics and chaos theory. Team-taught with physics department faculty. Courses Taught (University of Wisconsin, 1992-2001): "Evolution and Society" (Integrated Liberal Studies 252): a special-topics Contemporary Life Sciences elective for the Honors Program. A study and critique of the history and cultural impact of evolution theory. "Western Culture: Science, Technology, and Philosophy I / Beginnings of Western Science (Integrated Liberal Studies/ History of Science 201): a survey of the history of science, technology, and philosophy from Antiquity to the Scientific Revolution. "Western Culture: Science, Technology, and Philosophy II / Making of Modern Science" (History of Science/Integrated Liberal Studies 202): a survey of the historical foundations of philosophy, technology, and the modern physical and biological sciences, from the 17th Century to the time of Einstein. "Science in America (History of Science 394): an upper-division/graduate course on the development and influence of scientific ideas and institutions in American history. "Critical Thinking and Expression (Integrated Liberal Studies 200): an inter-disciplinary course introducing students to the world of ideas and expression. Course coordinator and topic lecturer. "Science, Technology, and Literature (Integrated Liberal Studies 254): a study of 19th-and 20th-century literary responses to developments in science and technology from the industrial revolution to modern bio-technology. Ways of Knowing (Letters and Science Interdisciplinary Studies 150): a special course for first-semester freshman entering under the University Honors Program. Course coordinator and topic lecturer. Fields of Concentration for Ph.D. (field director): The Scientific Revolution (David C. Lindberg) History of Biology/Evolutionary Thought (William Coleman) Science in America (Ronald L. Numbers) Science in the Atomic Age (Daniel M. Siegel) Ph.D. Minor Field (minor professor): Church History (Robert M. Kingdon, Department of History) Dissertation: The Diminishing Deluge: Noah's Flood in Nineteenth-Century American Thought (Under revision for publication; possible consideration by Johns Hopkins University Press) Dissertation Committee: Ronald L. Numbers, Departments of History of Science and History of Medicine (major professor) Paul S. Boyer, Department of History Robert H. Dott, Jr., Department of Geology and Geophysics Honors: 2010 ( Top Professor Award (SPU Chapter, Mortar Board National Honor Society) 2008 ( Chair of the Faculty (term 2008-2009) 2006 ( Professor of the Year (ɬ﷬ Student Award) 2003 ( Selected Participant, John Templeton Oxford Seminar (Summers of 2003-2005) 1994 ( Honorable Mention, American Society of Church History Brewer Prize (book manuscript) 1990 ( Vilas Fellow, University of Wisconsin Graduate School, 1990-1991 1989 ( University of Wisconsin Excellence in Teaching Award for Graduate Student Teachers Courses Qualified to Teach: Surveys and Introductions-- Specialized Courses-- History / Philosophy of Science Science in America from Antiquity to the Present Science and Religion American History Scientific Revolution European History History of Biology and Geology Church History Evolution and Society Introduction to Philosophy / History of Modern Physical Science History of Philosophy American Church History Critical Thinking and Expression Science/Technology and Literature Professional Memberships: History of Science Society Forum for the History of Science in America American Society of Church History Columbia History of Science Group Institute for Advanced Christian Studies (Board Member/Treasurer 2001-2003) Additional Experience: 1997-2001 Director, High Point Christian Studies Center (extension of Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, Deerfield, IL), Madison, Wisconsin. 1996-2001 Director, Collegiate Programs, High Point Church, Madison, Wisconsin. 1993-1994 Professional Associate, The University Group, Ltd. (Consultants) Madison, Wisconsin. 1984-1991 Graduate Student Teacher, University of Wisconsin-Madison. 1980-1983 Youth Director, Union Church of Manila (Philippines). 1979-1980 Foreman, Design Resource Group, Dallas, Texas. 1976-2002 Commissioned Officer, U. S. Naval Reserve: Retired effective 01 January 2003 with rank of Captain. Service with units in Texas, Philippines, Illinois, Wisconsin, Washington. 1972-1976 Commissioned Officer, U. S. Navy (Active Duty): service in Florida, Colorado, Maine, Spain, Portugal, Bermuda. References: Prof. Michael S. Hamilton Professor Emeritus, Department of History 206/281-2159 ɬ﷬ Prof. C. Stephen Layman Professor Emeritus, Department of Philosophy (UCOR 3000 coordinator) 206/281-2220 ɬ﷬ Prof. Ronald L. Numbers Hilldale Professor Emeritus of the History of Medicine 608/262-3701 University of Wisconsin-Madison Other Current / Recent Projects and Activities: * Respondent/Panelist for Mr. Darwins Tree, a one-act play [  HYPERLINK "%20http:/www.mrdarwinstree.com/"  http://www.mrdarwinstree.com/ ] hosted by SPU Faith and Science Club and by Scholarship & Christianity in Oxford (SCIO) 17 April 2016.] * Keynote Speaker (Rethinking the History of Faith Science) at Church and Science: Partners for the Common Good, a conference hosted by The Institute for the Theology of Culture and The American Association for the Advancement of Science. Multnomah Biblical Seminary, Portland, OR - 16 April 2016. * Session Chair (session: Responses to the Warfare Thesis before the 1960s) for Conference: The Idea That Wouldnt Die- University of Wisconsin-Madison (with the Issachar Fund; Grand Rapids, MI), May 14-16, 2015. Why the endless characterization of science and religion as at war? * Reviewer/referee for Broadview Press for proposed volume Reading Natures Book: Galileo and the Birth of Modern Philosophy by Fred Ablondi (Hendrix College). 11 July 2013. * Invited participant (paper respondent): Science without God: Religion, Naturalism, and The Sciences conference at Florida State University, 15-16 February 2013. (In honor of my mentor, Ronald L. Numbers.) * Interviewed by Michael Morella, Associate Editor for Publications, US News & World Report for upcoming special issue Mysteries of the Bible (October 2012), concerning historical interpretations of the Genesis Flood. 15 Aug 2012. * Invited participant, BioLogos Science and Faith Summit, ɬ﷬ School of Education, SPU Campus, January 6-7, 2012. * Seminar Presenter (Theism and Science in History) for Day of Common Learning, ɬ﷬, October 19, 2011. * Attended authors conference for The Scripture Project (D. A. Carson, editor; Eerdmans to publish) in June 21-25, 2010 at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. My chapter: Natural Philosophy and Biblical Authority in the Seventeenth Century. * Symposium Presenter (On the Origin of Species in the History of Science) for Darwin Commemoration Series, ɬ﷬, November 10, 2009. * Seminar Presenter on Abraham Lincoln (Lincoln Among the Scientists) for Day of Common Learning, ɬ﷬, October 13, 2009. * Presenter at Understanding Energy (J.P. Joule) workshop (Discovery Research K-12 grant) for educators led by SPU Physics Department. June 25, 2009 and August 7, 2009. * Seminar Presenter on Johannes Kepler (Beauty, Astronomy, Geometry) for Day of Common Learning, ɬ﷬, October 15, 2008. * Lecturer, Christian Thought Lectures, Multnomah University, Portland, Oregon April 15-17, 2008. Four sessions on Science and Faith in Historical Perspective, plus multiple classroom visits. * Referee for chapter on theories of human origins in 19th-century America to be published in a forthcoming volume by Pascal Center for Advanced Studies on Faith and Science, Ontario Canada. January,2008. [Final form: G. Blair Nelson, Ethnology and the Two Books: Some Nineteenth-Century Americans on Preadamist Polygenism, in Jitse van der Meer and Scott Mandelbrote, eds, Nature and Scripture in the Abrahamic Religions: 1700-present, volume 1 (Leiden: Brill, 2008), pp. 145-179)] * Speaker, Last Lecture Series, SPU Ivy Honorary/Mortar Board (Isti Mirant Stella: Of Conifers and Comets) January 17, 2008. * Speaker (Genesis Flood in Pre-Darwinian American Geology), Logos Software Lecture Series, Bellingham WA. February 26, 2007. * Respondent/PostScript contributor, BIO 4615 (Human Research Subjects in Issues and Values in Biology), Winter Quarter 2007. * Recipient, Faculty Research Grant, Winter Quarter, 2005. * Recipient, Academic Renewal Grant, Summer 2004, for development of University Seminar Course. * Participant, Hewlett Foundation Workshops for Capstone Seminar Development, 2004 - 2005. * Participant, SPU Faculty Reading Group on Faith and Science, 2004-2005. * Steering Committee, ɬ﷬ Initiative in Science and Religion Dialogue. Inaugural Event: Campus visit to SPU by Professor David C. Lindberg, January 15-17, 2003. Other events include visits by Ronald Numbers and other scholars. * Participant, The John Templeton Oxford Seminar on Science and Christianity, Wycliffe Hall, Oxford University, summers of 2003, 2004, 2005. * Session Leader on "Confession: Truth, Grace, and Agreeing with God" for Winter Reflection Retreat, ɬ﷬, January 11, 2003. * Co-leader for Faith and Science Cadre (campus discussion group) ɬ﷬, 2002-2003. * Presentation on History and Integrity for Day of Common Learning, ɬ﷬, October 17, 2002. * Presentation on Darwinian Thought and the Early Response to Evolutionary Theory at History Teaching Alliance, University of Wisconsin - Marathon, Wausau, WI (June 8, 2001) * Delegate, Annual Meeting of Association for General and Liberal Studies, Chicago, Illinois (November 2-4, 2000). * Chair of Curriculum Committee for Integrated Liberal Studies Program, UW-Madison, (October 2000-May 2001). * Presentation on Christianity and Science in Historical Perspective for Conference/Seminar hosted by Blackhawk Church, Madison, WI (September 30, 2000). * Presentation on Why is science in the King James Version? (Or, Pursuing a Translation Curiosity) for University of Wisconsin Faculty Lunch Fellowship (September 29, 2000). * Moderator of public debate on Existence of the Soul sponsored by Student Impact at the Memorial Union Theater, UW - Madison (March 2000). *Instructor for intensive three-week college literature and science course (June, 1999 and June 1998), a critical thinking course (June 1996), and a history of science course (June 1995) at the University of Wisconsin for advanced high school students under the auspices of the Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth. * Presenter in public forum on The Bible, The Quran, and Science sponsored by the Muslim Student Association, UW - Madison (April 1998). * Panelist in public debate/forum on The Place of Creationism in the Public School Curriculum sponsored by the Phi Theta Kappa Honor Society at UW- Marshfield, Wisconsin (November 1997). * Participant in public BioForum (UW-Madison Zoology Department); topic Creation and Evolution (March 1997). * Presented Workshop on Critical Thinking at meeting of the Meiklejohn Education Association (November 1996). * Referee for Isis article C.C. Gillispies Genesis and Geology (N.A. Rupke). Isis 85:261-270. (June 1994. Sent 5/18/94). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Home address and personal contact information: 6217 143rd Street, SW Edmonds, WA 98026-3636 425/742-2592 rstiling@earthlink.net Personal: Born June 4, 1950 Married Ruth L. Campbell, February 17, 1973 in San Jose, California. 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